Part 3

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The following day was just as she'd said. Winnie had to return to her classes. She hurried from one class to the other. She started to wonder if it was even worth it. She tried to concentrate on what her professors were talking about but all she could do was think about him. She could not grasp what anyone was saying to her, until the end of the day when some of her friends asked if she wanted to join them for lunch. She was too excited to be done with her classes she refused to go; she had plans of her own.

She broke her way through the thick lunch hour crowd. When she finally made it through, her heart skipped a beat and she suddenly could not breathe. There he was, sitting on their bench, waiting for her. He looked up and smiled at her. In no time at all she was sitting there next to him. She could not stop smiling and staring at him. She wasn't the only one; Reed never took his eyes off of her either. When she was with him it was like no one else was around; the massive crowd disappeared.

"So Winifred what would you like to do today?"

She just looked at him. As long as he was with her she did not care what they did. He smiled at her lack of answer.

"Would you like to do anything? How about lunch? Have you eaten yet?"

"How about a walk?"

"A walk? To where?"

"Nowhere, just a walk."

"Ok, if that's what you choose."

In the blink of an eye he was standing in front of her, offering his hand to help her stand. He lightly laughed when her checks suddenly turned pink. She took his hand and stood up. Still holding hands they made their way through the mass of people, but to Winnie it was like he glided, untouched through the crowd; while she knocked into everyone, even tripping over her own two feet. When they reached the door he opened it for her and ushered her out.

"So we are walking, what now?"

He loved to tease her, almost as much as he enjoyed being around her.

"How about you tell me a little bit about you? It seems I'm the one always talking."

He looked away and studied the shop windows.



"Why do you do that? Every time I ask you a question you look away and never answer me."

He turned to look back at her. He could see the anger and hurt in her eyes.

"I mean I always have given you an answer."

"You're right! I'm sorry. What was your question again..."

"I don't care just tell me something about yourself. What is your favorite color?"

She smiled at him. He laughed at this.

"My favorite color would have to"

She smiled at him.

"Ok tell me something else."



"I like you."

When she heard him whisper this into her ear she felt a shiver go through her. She hadn't even noticed that they had stopped walking. Again she quickly turned to face him, expecting him to be an inch away from her. Her heart skipped a beat, but this time it wasn't because he was gone. When she turned to face him, he stood there staring at her with her favorite little smirk on his face. Her cheeks were on fire. He brushed her cheek with the back of his fingers.



"Are you ok?" he teased. "You look a little flushed."

She enjoyed feeling his cold fingers on her cheeks. When he started to talk, they were so close she could feel his breath on her face. Her heart began to race. He moved his hand to push her hair out of her face. She took in a deep breath and before she could exhale his lips were pressed against hers. Though it was one simple kiss it seemed to last forever. She could smell and now taste his sweet breath. Their lips were no longer touching but she didn't want to open her eyes. She wanted to stay in that moment forever. She started to smile and slowly opened her eyes. She felt relief wash over her when she saw he was still standing there. Apart of her was afraid he wouldn't be there when she opened her eyes.

"I'm great."

He laughed at her reply.

"Well I'm glad to hear it."

He laughed and turned to continue walking down the street. She quickly took her place at his side. She loved being next to him and yet she knew him so little. She wondered what he was thinking. Did he enjoy the kiss? Why didn't he tell her anything about himself? So many questions ran through her mind. She was so busy running through her questions and talking to him that she wasn't even paying attention to where they were going. Next thing she noticed it was getting dark...and she was home.

"Good night Winifred! Sweet dreams!"

"But how did you know where..."

She didn't even finish her question before she became aware of the fact that he was no longer with her. She spun around three times searching everywhere for him but couldn't find him.

"Why does he keep doing that?"

She could have sworn she heard a laugh and looked around again, but no one was there. She gave a sigh and went inside. She went straight to her room and gazed out of her window; half-heartedly searching the darkness to find him, but nothing. A wide smile crossed her face and she flew backwards onto her bed. Somewhere life took a wonderful turn for her.

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