.TEN 🌧.

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Blake's P.O.V
I watched as Jaden's car drove away from us and the Gas station. I was worried about him but I knew not to ask about it because he'd probably just close himself off even more.

We all got back in the other car, I got in the back and leaned my head on the side of the window, staring outside.

"You what?!" I heard Bryce say from the front seat. I had zoned out so I missed the start of their conversation.

"I had to-" Quinton started.

"That's probably why he's upset, Quin, babe, you shouldn't have told him." Bryce said.

"He pressured me into telling him!" Quinton protested.

"What are you talking about- wait babe?" I said looking between the two for answers but they had gone quiet. "Hello?" I said.

"Should we just tell him?" Bryce said looking at Quinton.

"Tell me what?" I asked growing impatient.

"I mean Jaden knows so there's not much point in hiding it." Quinton responded, they were acting like I wasn't right behind them.

"What are you talking about!" I snapped.

"Me and Quinton are dating." Bryce said. My mouth fell open and I stared at them in shock.

"So Jaden was right..." I mumbled.

"Jaden was right about what?" Bryce asked frowning.

"We were talking about how obvious you guys were but I didn't think you were actually dating." I said. "When?"

"Since that day we went to get supplies." Quinton said.

"Cute." I smiled. "So Jaden knows and that's why he was upset?"

"Must be." Quinton mumbled.

"I still can't believe you told him." Bryce said shaking his head.

"I'm sorry but you know Jaden, he can get anything he wants from me!" I placed my head back on the window and zoned out again, not bothering to listen to them arguing.

We got home and went to our apartment. I went straight to the couch and jumped on it, Bryce and Quinton went to Bryce's room.

About five minutes later of me just sitting on the couch I started hearing 'sounds' and my eyes widened. I quickly got up from the couch and shouted to them i was leaving the apartment but they probably didn't hear me.

I shut the door quickly and shook my head. "Gross." I muttered to myself. I walked to the end of the corridor and started to climb the stairs. I got to the top and opened the heavy metal door which used to have a lock but we broke it the first time we went to the roof because we obviously didn't know the code.

I walked out and went to the edge, I leaned my arms on the wall and looked out over the city. If I had been here over a year ago it would have been full of life and definitely quite loud. But now it was silent and the buildings were dark and rotting. Not a single moving car insight not even Jaden's.

Speaking of Jaden it had been over an hour since he left the gas station and he still wasn't back. I wasn't going to get worried yet because he's pulled this stunt before and came back within two hours. I still wondered what he was doing though.

I kept thinking about whatever was on my mind as I stared at the horizon when suddenly a car engine broke me out of my thoughts.

"Jaden?" I wondered aloud. I was trying to see were the car was but when I spotted it I knew it wasn't Jaden's because it was black. I narrowed my eyes as I watched it drive through the streets below. The first thought that came to my mind was that it was the people from before but I didn't remember seeing that same car in their warehouse. It was probably just hidden at the back or something. I shook my head and was about to start walking inside when I realised it had stopped.

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