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Noah's P.O.V
We had just been supplied with the guns filled with the little pink coloured bullets and were currently walking down to the barriers at the front of the city with around thirty other people all with the same guns.

The man at the front was wearing a rather garish looking military uniform and he was yelling orders to the men and women around him. I wasn't listening though because I already new what I had to do; shoot.

When we were almost there Anthony and a few others took a different turn to get to a better vantage point for their snipers. Griffin turned around and looked at Josh and I and then he turned back to the front. I knew he was worried and so was I. Not just about the fact that this whole procedure that was put together in the space of ten minutes could go horribly wrong, but also the fact that my closest friends, and boyfriend, were going into it with me and they could very well loose their lives. I also couldn't keep a watch over most of them so I wouldn't be able to protect or help them if something where to happen.

"There's millions of them!" Josh exclaimed beside me and I looked up to see that we were now at the front lines and joining many many more people all with guns, but that wasn't what Josh was looking at. He was looking at the line of blurry, moving blobs that spanned the length of about a mile along the horizon. They didn't look like they were moving but I knew they were running at full speed towards us with their lifeless blank eyes and pale skin.

It brought me back to the first night when all the zombies were running because of such large groups of people. That's most likely why they were running at us right now. From wherever they came from, this huge city filled with people was a beacon for the zombies, like flies to a lamp.

"LISTEN UP!" The commander yelled and all the heads along the barriers, including ours, looked towards him. "All of you that have negative thoughts, get them out of your head! We will shoot every single last one of these poor souls trapped inside their mindless bodies and we will cure them! Do not shoot to kill because a bullet to the head, no matter if it's a cure bullet, it will kill them, aim for the legs and arms, torso only if the zombie is too close! This day will be written into history books as the day we started the war to cure the zombies!" Flecks of spit flew from his mouth as he delivered his speech, his voice was filled with anger and his expression showed that same emotion.

The men and woman along the barrier cheered and lifted their guns into the air but I could still see the fear written in their expressions. After all they were still human. Every single person along this wall was scared, there was doubt but each one was also filled with determination. Determination to take back as many people as they could from the grips of the infection.

I looked between Griffin and Josh and they looked back with looks that let me know we had each other's backs and we'd be okay.

Loud whirring of helicopter blades sounded from above and I looked up to see many grey helicopters flying over us. Blake, Jaden and Bryce were in one of those but I didn't know which. I sent a silent wish of good luck to them.

"GET READY!" The commander yelled and I lifted my gun, aiming it at the approaching zombies from my position on the barrier.

"AIM!" The atmosphere was so tense as we waited.

"FIRE!" All along the barriers everyone pulled their triggers and hundreds and thousands of bullets flew from the many guns and embedded themselves into the screeching zombies. I fired and reloaded my gun countless times, hitting legs, arms, whatever I could aim for. At the same time the helicopters above sent bullets raining down onto the zombies below. Bullets flew over my head and hit exact spots from the snipers behind.

The zombies weren't getting closer, all falling away as their bodies were hit with the cure, we were actually doing it.

But of course I had given myself hope too early because suddenly one of the helicopters that had been flying too low was hijacked by several zombies that had latched onto to the bottom rungs. I could hear the screams of the people inside as the hungry zombies devoured them.. The helicopter crashed to the floor and exploded into raging flames of red and orange, no doubt killing all the zombies in that immediate area. All I could do was pray to whoever would listen that that wasn't Blake's helicopter

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