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Ana watched as Thanos raised his double ended blade

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Ana watched as Thanos raised his double ended blade. It looked a lot like the blades that King T'Challa had given her, but obviously his were a lot bigger. Everyone let out a cry as the two sides charged towards each other.

"Stay close to me," Steve huffed as they ran.

"Okay," she nodded.

Steve obviously pulled away from her as they ran. She started slashing at the aliens all around them. She couldn't believe how many more there were, but she figured there was a good explanation.

"Fucking finally, Stepanov!" A familiar voice yelled from a ways behind her.

Ana whipped her head around and saw Sean standing there with a big grin on his face. She sheathed her swords as she ran over to him. He gave her a big hug that pulled her off her feet.


"I've missed you so much!" He kissed her forehead.

"Life must've been pretty boring without me," she grinned.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Good to have you back!" He grinned, "now let's kills these fuckers."

Ana nodded. She took a deep breath as they began fighting the aliens. There were more than Ana remembered from what was apparently five years ago. She looked up at the sky and cowered slightly seeing a massive flying dinosaur looking monster.

"What the hell is that?!" She yelled, stabbing her swords deep into the alien in front of her.

"A chitauri beast! From the Battle of New York!" Sean responded.

Ana's jaw dropped slightly. She looked around feeling overwhelmed. Scott came out of nowhere and punched the beast into the ground. She looked up and saw Tony and Pepper together blasting aliens in the sky. She battled her way forward so that she was just slightly behind Steve and Thor. She realised she was still yet to have properly met the Asgardian.

Just like she and Sean fought well together, Steve and Thor worked like a well oiled machine. Ana still had a lot of questions about how Steve could hold Thor's hammer. Steve then ended up with the axe, and Thor had his hammer.

"No no. Give me that. You have the little one," Thor shook his head, and the two of them traded weapons.

"Come on," Steve ran over and grabbed her hand, "I'm not letting you out of my sight."

"Okay," she nodded as they headed deeper into the fray in the opposite direction from Thor.

"Sean, come on!" Ana yelled, "you too, Sharon!"

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