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I was falling.

Just moments before I had been sitting on the swivel chair behind Mr. Carter's desk, searching for my book. And now I'm falling through the sky.

I hit the ground but barely felt anything. Strange. I notice that my backpack is next to me and I sit up and look at it. It doesn't look like it fell from the sky either.

I lay back down taking in what just happened. However karma hates me today and decided someone should interrupt my thoughts. Lovely.

"Are you alright?"

"No, I fell from the sky, was it necessary to ask that?" I respond, my voice loaded with sarcasm.

I open my eyes and finally see who's talking to me. I think I've been reading too much again because he looks exactly like Aragorn from the Lord of the Rings.

I'm crazy, I know. If I read too much the line between fiction and real life can get kinda blurry. I should probably be in a mental hospital for all the strange thoughts I get sometimes.

"What's your name?" I ask, trying to prove my retarded self wrong.

" Most people around here call me Strider."

"And people sometimes call me Ruin, but that's not my real name," I answered with more sarcasm. And, yes people do actually call me Ruin, because I have two grand champion trophies and no one can beat me in sparring. You gotta love having your taekwondo instructor as a gym teacher.

" If I tell you my real name will you tell me yours?" 'Strider' asks, sounding amused.

" Maybe."

" My name is Aragorn. Now, what is your name?"

My brain wasn't lying!

"River," I answer simply.

" Are you from around here, Miss River?" Aragorn asks. My hair and glasses must be giving it away, at least none of the tattoos are showing.

"It depends where here is."

"Here would be just outside Bree."

Oh. Wow. I always wanted to live in Bree, or maybe Rivendell, after reading the Lord of the Rings.

"Oh okay, then no I'm not from around here."

"I'm heading to Bree if you'd like to come with me," He said, "It's not that far, less than a mile." The last part was said as reassurance.

Do I look like I'll fall apart from walking one mile? I've run six, sometimes more! I chose not to say anything back and simply got up and swung my bag over my shoulder.

Aragorn began to walk in the direction of town and I followed. If I didn't that would make me the deffinition of stupid, and I wanted in on all the action.

"You need to change."

I raised my eyebrows at him. I kinda agreed though because I would seem strange to everyone else. Plus the clothes in my bag weren't really much better than the ones I had on.

When we arrived in Bree I was in awe. Who doesn't want to live their middle school fantasies? Actually, I take that back, most people wouldn't. Nevermind.

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