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I sigh, and flop back onto the bed. I need some time. Time before Pippin screams and the eye is watching us. Time before Gandalf takes him to Minas Tirth. Time before the next battle. Time before we march the Black Gate.

Time before I find out my fate.

All the knowledge of what will happen weighs me down. I feel so heavy like someone dropped a rock on my chest.

Finally, my brain calms enough for sleep to take me.


When I wake up it's morning. Gandalf and Pippin have already left, so I drag myself out of bed to find Eowyn.

I don't even make it out the door before I find her. She's right on the other side holding a plate of food.

"Oh thank the Valor! I had a man, elf, and dwarf threatening to skin me alive if I didn't let them in your door!"

"You were guarding my door?"

"I came to check on you and you were asleep, but of course when I told the rest of them they wouldn't listen. I'm surprised you didn't hear the yelling."

"Thanks Eowyn."

"Here, I got you some food while they were seeing off Gandalf and Pippin."

"Want to come in? It would be nice to talk to someone while I eat, or at least hear someone talk at me."

I sit on the floor and Eowyn sits on the side of the bed and as I eat she talks, mostly about the latest Rohan gossip.

"So, you and the elf? Is there something you want to tell me?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Are you sure? It seems like you might."

"We kissed a couple of times, there was nothing else."

"You should probably find him and talk, he seemed worried."

"Later. You probably have the irresistible desire to dress me like a princess before I do anything."

"True, true. You are most definitely not allowed to leave this room until I have done so."

I inwardly groan as Eowyn goes to pick out a dress for me.


I have writer's block! NOOOO!!!

The idea had been to power through it and write a chapter but that obviously didn't work. So that's why the chapter's so short.

Next one will be better.

- Deli💛

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