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Two people sat in the hospital's waiting room desperately awaiting news. The first of these two was a woman in her early thirties, with her was a 10 year old girl. Both of their faces were streaked with tears and their eyes were red from crying. The girl had tried desperately to be strong for both of them, but had given way to a sobbing mess just like her mother.

A nurse finally came over to them, a grim expression was on her face.

"I'm sorry, but..."

She didn't even get to finish her sentence before the woman let out a loud sobbing wail. She knew what the nurse was telling her, her husband was dead. He didn't survive the accident.

"Dad?" The girl whispered, slowly processing that her father was gone.

She would never get to argue over movies with him or what sport was the best. She would never have him help her raid the cookie jar when her mom wasn't looking. She wouldn't have him to comfort her ever again.

All of this had happened because of one person's choice to drive intoxicated. The girl didn't want to blame him though, he was dead too. Just like her father.


Her mother had help planning the funeral, she just couldn't handle the stress. She didn't deal with it well either, her daughter barely saw her and when she did she was almost never sober.

The one day she wasn't drinking was the funeral. She and her daughter sat next to each of both dressed in black. The girl found no comfort coming from her, though her mother was an impressive actor.


As the girl grew older she spent more and more time away from home. She hated coming home, and was greeted by the familiar sight of the empty bottles and her mother passed out on the coach. She'd clean the mess and pretend things were fine.

She didn't understand how her mother could abuse the very substance that was the reason for her father's death. Her mother didn't blame the alcohol though, she blamed the man. Her mother wasn't really any better though.


No one knew what the girl was going through.

That girl was River.

Song- Gloria by the Lumineers

Ok guys don't expect an update tomorrow. I might post something but please don't count on it. This is my last day of summer break wich means my schedule will be totally thrown off😬. 

Anyway, hope this answers some questions you might have had.

- Deli

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