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The closer we get to the Black Gates the more dread I feel mounting in my stomach. One last battle, I can do this. Somewhere in the horrible place beyond the gates are Frodo and Sam, with Gollum following them and an evil magic ring. When you put it that way it sounds stupid but they need our help.

I touch the handles of my swords, knowing they're still in their places, one on my back and the other at my waist, is comforting.

We're there now. I feel like I might barf. Oh my, knowing the fact of Middle Earth rests on us just as much as it depends on Sam and Frodo is 't helping at the moment.

Aragorn finishes his speech, and I slip as gracefully as possibly (so not gracefully at all) from the horse, somehow I end up on my feet. The others stare at me as I do this.

"They'll be no good if they die here," I say with a shrug, and the men seeing my sense all follow my lead and let their horses go.

"I never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf," I hear Gimli mutter under his breath.

"What about side by side with a friend?"

"Aye, I could do that."

I smile at them.

Aragorn leads the charge and I draw my swords, quick to follow after him. The unfortunate orcs in my path finding themselves with new injuries that will at best leave a very nasty scar.

Sometime during the battle Legolas and I find ourselves fighting next to each other. I don't really think much of it as it happens to be rather convenient for there to be someone who can cover your back.



"Will you marry me?"

I slash at an orc decapitating it before turning to stab another.

"There were better times to ask!"

An arrow flies from his bow past my head, skewering an orc. I slash out my sword and send its head flying for good measure.

I still haven't answered the question.

"Yes!" My brain is finally back on track.


I parry an orc sword and slash at the offending arm with my other sword before stabbing it. Spinning the other sword in my hand I stab another orc coming in at my side.

"Gandalf! Gandalf, will you marry us?"

"In the middle of a battle?!"


I swear I just saw Gandalf the White roll his eyes.

"We are gathered here today at this glorious battlefield to witness the union of these two fools who thought it'd be a good idea to do this in the middle of a battle," I didn't know he could be this sarcastic.

I continue to fight with both swords not risking to put one away so I can take Legolas' hand.

"River, do you take Legolas to be your husband?"

"I do."

"And Legolas do you take River to be your wife?"

"I do."

Gandalf mutters something about health not being very likely at the same time my sword goes through another orc.

"You may kiss the bride."

I drop my swords to my sides and Legolas grabs my waist pulling me to him so he can kiss me. At the same time Mount Doom goes off. 


It's almost over you guys. So as an end of the book type thing I'd like to do a Q&A. Ask questions about me either here on the comments or on the conversations tab thing on my page. If they're not too personal or whatever I'll answer them. You can ask as many as you'd like I just might not use them all. 


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