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We arrived in Rivendell in a few days. A rider whose name I can't pronounce came and took Frodo away from Aragorn. He was in desperate need of more medical attention than we could give him.

Rivendell was beautiful. I mean you see it in the movies but that was through a screen. This was the real thing.

Aragorn must have decided now was a good time to interrogate me seeing as he hadn't yet.

"Lord Elrond intends on inviting you to a council concerning the ring Frodo carries. I am not sure if that is a wise idea."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I fell from the sky for god sake! Forgive me, but have I done anything to harm any of you? I thought not."

"You seem to know a great deal."

"Simply because I'm intelligent means you believe I'm a spy!?! This is ridiculous, and you know it!"

"You're right, but could you please at least not try not to be so strange sometimes?"

I laugh, that was easier than I thought it would be.

"No promises, I've spent a lot of time perfecting the strangeness, I'm not going to not put all that hard work to use."

He laughs this time.

" I was told to tell you the details of where we will be meeting," he says and continues to tell me that the council will be held in one of the outside courtyards.

"Also you may want to consider looking... more presentable." Ugh, is that all he truly cares about?

I head back to my room and decide that it would probably be for the best for me to look 'more presentable'. I need the council to not be totally offended by my presence, after all.

It felt amazing to finally be able to wash my hair, and finally get all the dirt off my body. The dye was slowly coming out of my hair though now. Actually it was noticeably faded, thanks a lot, elf soap. It sounds vain, but it took me a long time to dye it because I did it myself (without any help!).

I dry off and pick out one of the dresses that had been left in the room for me. It was a tough decision between a green dress with pale yellow and silver accents and a pale blue dress with white and silver. I decided on the green one, it had long sleeves and a long skirt, and was overall fairly modest in the way it was cut. I looked amazing, if not for the hair I could be a princess for all anyone knew.

Unfortunately, I was forced to keep on my glasses which ruined the look completely. So I quickly changed into the blue dress instead. Then at least the black frames on them would match better. Apart from the colors this dress resembles the last one.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time. All my tattoos were covered and my hair didn't clash as horribly as I thought it might. I put on a pair of silver flats without even taking a second glance at the horrid heels sitting next to them. I hate heels, I can never walk properly in them. Like the heels, all forms of makeup had been completely ignored.

I went slowly to the courtyard in which the council was being held. I was early in case I got lost. I hadn't, due to Aragorn's instructions it had been fairly easy to find.

There were already a good number of people there. No one I knew of course, my luck being what it is.

"You seem lost, you can sit by me if you like," a voice says from behind me. I turn and end up staring at the prince of Mirkwood himself.

"Ummm, yes I would like that if it wouldn't be too much trouble. No one I know is here yet."

"It would be no trouble Miss River."

"How do you know my name?" Apparently I was popular.

"Aragorn told me of you." Oh I guess that makes sense.

"Only good things I hope," I say with a smile.

"Are there any not good things I need to worry about?"


"You haven't even asked my name you know," He says suddenly as if just thinking of it, well he probably just did.

"What's your name?" I ask, making him laugh.

"My name is Legolas, it's a pleasure to meet you Miss River," he says, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.

I blush.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Legolas, but please just call me River," I say.

Our conversation is cut off by Lord Elrond calling the council to order. I do my best to pay attention to what he's saying, as I start to twirl my necklace. It's a phoenix charm on a long black leather cord that's held in place by a square knot in the back.

Uh oh. The arguing about who should take the ring begins, and I watch in amusement as it all unfolds. Frodo finally tells everyone that he will take it. Now comes the question about who is to go with him; everyone else in the fellowship pledges to protect him, and Sam, Merry, and Pippin show themselves as well. After them I get up and walk towards them.

"Frodo, you will have my protection as well," I say and move to stand next to Legolas.

" You're sending a woman on this quest!?" Boromir askes in outrage. Ah yes, I thought the two of us might run into a bit of an issue here.

"I chose to go, just like the rest of you. I am willing to protect the ring and its bearer. And yet you think I should not be allowed to go simply because I'm not a man." I may have been able to predict this happening but that doesn't stop me from feeling annoyed.

"Can you even fight? Or do you simply want to go for the adventure?" He counters.

"I can fight, actually."

"If you don't believe her perhaps you wouldn't mind challenging her to the fight of her choice. After all, she is a woman and you should have no problem beating her no matter what she picks," Legolas says coming to my aid.

"Fine, I will challenge her."

"Lovely, if you would simply let me go change, I can meet you on the training grounds in 20 minutes."

I then turn and walk away from the group and towards my room Legolas follows after me, undoubtedly to talk strategy.

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