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I watch as Gandalf places the crown on Aragorn's head. It took some persuading from the rest of us but he finally agreed to be crowned the king of Gondor.

He says something to the rest of us and begins to sing. I don't hear what he's saying but I have a good excuse. I'm crying.

I'll miss these guys. I spent so much time with them and now this will probably be the last time we're all in the same place. It's sad to think about.

Legolas squeezes my hand and I can tell he knows this too. We all do.

Aragorn walks down into the crowd stopping in front of Legolas and I. Legolas and him do a kinda bro-hug thing before he turns to me.

"Shake, don't kiss," I smile offering my hand.

Aragorn smiles back and takes my hand, shaking it. Then Legolas and I step aside, revealing a figure hidden behind a banner.

The banner is moved to the side, revealing Arwen. Completely forgetting the crowd the two of them kiss enthusiastically. Legolas takes the time then to place a soft kiss on my forehead. I look up at him and roll my eyes at his smirk.

Hand in hand the king and Arwen continue to walk through the people until they get to the hobbits. The hobbits begin to bow but Aragorn stops them.

"My friends, you bow to no one."

And with that Aragorn bows to them and slowly the rest of us all follow in suit. The people in the back probably don't have a clue why they're bowing, I'm sure they will soon.

Everyone will know the bravery of these four little hobbits.


I'm not crying, not yet! 


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