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Boromir took Frodo from me as we ran. At least the guy realises how hard it is to run and try to drag a hobbit at the same time.

When I got out of the cave, I immediately had to close my eyes. The sunlight hurt after being underground for so long.

Merry and Pippin were both sobbing next to each other, Sam was doing the same. Boromir seemed like he was holding back tears. Gimli and Frodo were away from the others and crying as well.

To sum it up, Aragorn, Legolas, and I were the only ones who weren't crying. Aragorn because he was trying to be strong for the rest of us, but Legolas and I had pretty much just shut down.

I know, it's not necessarily a healthy way to cope. But, I don't really have much of another way.

Except, well music. And I hate singing.

"Nobody knows how to say goodbye

Seems so easy til you try

Then the moments passed you by

Nobody knows how to say goodbye"

"Legolas, get them up."

"Give them a moment, for pity's sake!" Boromir exclaims, his voice breaking a little as he motioned to our crying companions.

"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs, we must make for the woods of Lothlorien" Aragorn reasons, and the rest of us begin to pick ourselves up and pull it together.

We hike until we have entered the woods of Lothlorien.

No wonder all the elves are tree huggers, if I lived here I might be one too.

"Stay close Hobbits, they say a great sorceress lives in these woods. An elf- witch oh terrible power, and all that look upon her fall under her spell," Gimli warns them.

No, no, no, don't snicker. Don't even smirk. It's not funny. No it's not, River.

"Well here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily! I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!"

No, we don't laugh. That would be wrong.

I sound like Golum.

Arrows suddenly popped out of nowhere, all gained directly at us.

"The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark," their leader, wait what was his name? Oh, yeah Haldir. Their leader, Haldir remarks.

Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Don't laugh.

Too late.

Everyone turns to look at me, as I start to crack up. Some seem amused, but others look down right worried for my mental stability.

"Carry on, geez stop staring, I thought you pointies were polite!"

Legolas sends a somewhat offended glance in my direction.

"Yes, Lego I did just say that."

They begin to talk in elvish which I completely zone out on.

Finally, someone says something I understand. We will be taken to the Lady of the Wood.

So this was kind of boring. But I swear the next two definitely won't be! But, you have to wait for me to upload them!😝


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