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Aragorn found us a room nearby and immediately went to look for something else for me to wear. That left me alone in the room with my backpack for company. Might as well do an inventory of things I have in there:

1. A full change of clothes

2. 3 books

3. my history and math textbooks

4. 3 notebooks

5. my pencil bag

6. various personal hygiene and first aid supplies

7. a couple snacks and the half-eaten remains of my lunch.

Unfortunately, I didn't have everything with me seeing as some of my stuff was in the back room of the taekwondo building. When mom gets too drunk I crash there sometimes, and Mr. Carter simply doesn't say anything about it. He tried to talk me into living with him and his wife when this happens, but I wouldn't let him do that. He simply didn't mention it anymore, mostly because I told him not to.

After some time Aragorn came back with clothes for me.

" I'll leave while you get changed," he said right before closing the door behind him.

He had gotten a green shirt, gray pants, and a navy cloak for me. All of them were exactly the right size even. I decided that my leather belt wouldn't make the outfit less believe able, seeing as it was designed for function instead of style. There were also boots that he had got and I put them on over my socks.

Thankfully between the shirt and cloak all my tattoos had been covered. Now the only unnatural parts of me were my glasses and hair, which was dyed dark red and cut so that the sides were shaved and the top was swept over to one side. Believe it or not my hair was so used to being like this that I pretty much woke up with it looking perfect.

I opened the door to find Aragorn standing on the other side. We then headed down to the bar. Aragorn found a table at the very back corner of the room, and then sat down and took out his pipe.

I sat across from him and focused my gaze at the table. We probably looked pretty suspicious. Both of us had our hoods up, me to hide my glasses and Aragorn for his own reason.

Suddenly a hobbit sitting at the bar was pointing over his shoulder at one of the other ones he had come in with saying loudly, "Sure! I know Frodo Baggins he's right over there!"

I follow his pointing finger over to Frodo who abruptly vanished.

Aragorn stood up from where he had been sitting and grabbed Frodo as soon as he reappeared.

" You should be more careful, Mr. 'Underhill'," he said as he dragged him up the stairs. I quickly followed after them, and I noticed Frodo's friends doing the same.

I quickened my pace and slipped into the room as the door was shutting. Aragorn was saying something but I kept my attention on the door. Frodo's friends burst in holding various 'weapons'. They ignored me completely and focused their attention on Aragorn instead. Because how much of a threat could little old me be right?

I didn't really pay much attention to what was being said seeing as I had both read the books and seen the movies. I knew what was going on better than anyone.

Later that night I heard the scream of ringwraiths. I didn't even flinch, you get used to it after it's the sound your phone makes every time mom texts.

The hobbits woke up and asked Aragorn what it was.

" The Nazgul," I responded, and Aragorn looked at me with surprise.

"They were once great kings of men, then Sauron the deceiver gave them nine rings of power," he explains.

I don't listen to the rest of what he says and instead focus my gaze out the window.

"We need to leave in the morning," I say refocusing on the conversation.

Aragorn gives me another look, probably wondering how I know so much about a conversation I wasn't really listening to. That's ok. I can use the rest of the night coming up with a convincing story for him if he asks.

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