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Legolas and I race to a higher location so we can pull Aragorn and Gimli out of the situation they're getting themselves in. Idiots. Nobel idiots. But still idiots.

"Aragorn! Get out of there!" Theoden shouts.

Legolas drops a rope, "Aragorn!"

Aragorn takes it and the two of us haul him up.

"Come on Gimli!"

He too takes it after Aragorns by us and we bring him up.

Once we're back inside the king and Aragorn are having a heated discussion about what to do.

Gandalf! He'll be back! I just have to focus on not dying til then and then the battle will be over and we'll have won. That makes things simpler at least for me, but will they remember?

"Gandalf, he should be back with Eomer soon. If we can hold until they get here we could still win."

"Ride out with me," Aragorn says, looking to the king.

"For death and glory?"

He really doesn't listen to me does he?

I roll my eyes at him.

Everyone mounts their horses and I mount the one brought to me as well. Well, technically I've ridden horses when I was younger a lot, so I kinda know what I'm doing here.

We charge through the doors and out onto the battlefield killing the orcs in our way. In the side of my vision I see a white glow appear. Gandalf is back.

"To the king!" Eomer cries.

Gandalf arrived precisely when he meant to, as always.


"Final count 42."

I snort at how smuggly he says it.

"Not bad for a pointy-eared elvish princeling, I myself am sitting pretty on 43."

Legolas loads his bow and shoots the orc Gimli's sitting on.


"Well hate to tell you guys but I got 44."

Legolas' smirk fades.

"She beat you lad, better just accept it," Gimli laughs at him.

I stick my tongue out at him, "I beat you!"

He tries to grab me but I dodge out of the way and take off running. He follows me.

"I beat you! I beat you! Come and catch me!"

He's closer now and I speed up.

"What are you even going to do once you do catch me?"

I veer down a hallway.

"I don't know, but I'm sure I will think of something by then."

Dead end. I open the door off to the side and run into the empty room there. The door opens again and I stand on the other side of the room with my arms crossed.

"What is my punishment, my lord?"

Legolas makes a face as if he's thinking.


What should he do? Comment ideas or PM me! Cause I have no clue yet😂


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