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I stepped out of my room and into the hall where Legolas was waiting. I had changed out of my dress and into a pair of black leggings and a T-shirt.

"Ready?" Legolas asks as we head down the hall towards the training grounds.

"Yeah," I answer, not bothering to elaborate.

"I assume you've already picked what type of fight you're challenging him to?"

I begin to explain the rules to him, and he seems worried about the idea.

"He is bigger than you and stronger," he replies in a worried tone, "You will have to control the fight if you plan to win."

"I know."

"Are you going to share how you plan on doing that?"

"No, you'll see soon enough," I say with a smirk.

We arrive at the training grounds then, and I can't help but notice that everyone's there. Well, everyone except Frodo that is. They all watch me as I make my way over.

"You," I say, turning to Legolas, "Are in charge of my glasses... and shirt."

He looks shocked but lets me hand him my glasses and looks away as I take off my shirt. I'm just wearing leggings and a sports bra now, and my tattoos are in full view.

"The rules are simple," I say as I turn to face Boromir, "No weapons, no help. Aragorn calls it. Match stops when he says so."

Aragorn looks slightly surprised at this but shrugs it off quickly. Boromir and I take our positions and wait for his call.

Boromir makes his move first, clearly trying to control the match. So I give him the illusion that he is. I take a few hits to the stomach and block or parry the rest away.

He gets cocky and tries to come up with a kick. This is when I make my move, catching his foot and throwing him to the ground.

He lands face down and I pin him there, both my knees dig into his upper arms, and I grab his wrists and hold them to the floor, sitting on his back. It's definitely an awkward move, but it should have him focusing on the pain in his arms for at least five minutes after I let go.

"River get off him," Aragorn calls, "I believe you have won."

I pick myself off Boromir in the most dignified way possible, and walk over to Legolas who hands me my shirt. I pull it on then take my glasses from him as well.

Boromir it appears isn't a very good sport about his defeat.

"So she can beat me in a fist fight without weapons! Can she even handle a sword?!"

"You're the one who agreed to challenge me, no one forced you to."

"She's right," Aragorn points out with a smirk.

"She hasn't even answered my question, or was she simply not paying attention, the way she was at the council?"

What is his problem anyway? There's a question I want answered. Also how does he know I wasn't paying attention the whole time? That's just creepy.

"Yes, I can fight with more than just my fists. Yes I was paying attention during the council, but were you?" Perfectly normal civil discussion, nothing to see here.

Legolas takes that as his cue to get me away from Boromir, and grabs my hand dragging me after him.

"Let me go, Legolas! I wasn't finished back there!"

"That's what I was afraid of," he sighs, and continues dragging me after him.

I finally give up my squirming and allow myself to be led instead of dragged along. Mostly because I'm curious as to where he's taking me, aside from far away from Boromir.

He leads me to the bridge where Arwen gives Aragorn her necklace in the movie. I honestly don't remember much else from that scene except having the incredible urge to barf.

"It's beautiful," I murmur without thinking.

"I know," Legolas replies as he leads me towards the bridge.

We sit in the middle with our legs hanging over the sides. This would look strange if anyone saw us, the Prince of Mirkwood and an oddly dressed girl with strange hair. They'd think we were in love, or something, which is a strange thought. We're just friends, afterall I only met him earlier today.

"Thank you."

"For what?" he seems confused by this.

"This. Getting me away from Boromir, talking to me, taking me here."

"That was impressive what you did to him. I assume you planned on giving him the illusion of control once your little stunt wore off?"

Hahaha, oh yes my 'little stunt' involved making him hold my shirt for me. I have to say I'm proud of it because the looks on their faces were pure gold.


"For what?"

"My stunt."

"Oh yes, that you need to be sorry for. I'll think of an equally mortifying way to get you back, don't worry."

I'm dead.

"Was that a threat or a promise?"

"What would you like it to be?"

"Hmmmm... how about a promise, it sounds nicer."

"Yes it does," he says. And, wait a second, is that mischief?

Never in my life did I expect to see mischief on his face. But I also never expected to end up in Middle Earth. How did I get here in the first place even?

We sit there a little longer until he's sure I won't go find Boromir and try to kill him. Then we get up and he leads me back to my room, which is good because I would've gotten lost on my own.

I say goodbye to Legolas and flop on my bed with a sigh. Today was strange, and that says something. My standards of strange are pretty high compared to most.


I miss taekwondo.

Mom didn't want me to sign up at first, so dad helped me convince her. He's the reason she didn't make me quit.

A week later, I was in my first class. Mr. Carter, my gym teacher, was in charge. I knew a few of the kids in the class but not many. There was one other girl starting with me.

"River, this is Christina," Mr. Carter introduced us.

We sort of just clicked after that. We were more like sisters than friends really, even though she was two years older than me. We were there for each other since we met, we even got our first and second degree black belts together.

Chris left for college two years ago, and I was left the senior student. So I spent more and more time at the building. At first it was simply to avoid mom, but the kids liked me so I started covering classes once a week for Mr. Carter.

That's the part I miss the most about home, I miss the kids in the beginner class.

Hi guys!
So, an update about updates (that made no sense, I know). Unfortunately, school is starting soon and my writing time will be seriously cut. I will try to update when I can. It might not be as often because I have no idea what to  expect for homework, due to being an over achiever and taking 2 high school classes this year😎.

What's your favorite song? Tell me in the comments because my writing  playlists need some variety! Also tell me what you think of the book!

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