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I am not a morning person. So needless to say I slept in. I didn't plan on sleeping in however as much as I did.

This resulted in a very stressful time getting myself ready once I did wake up. No matter what I did I would be late to meet the rest of the Fellowship, and we we're supposed to be leaving in less than an hour.

By the time I stuffed a few extra things in my bag, got changed and located my new weapons I was already ten minutes late. And I hadn't even left the room yet.

I ran to the kitchen on my way out and grabbed anything edible that could fit in my mouth. Then I ran to meet the guys, who were at this point probably more than a little impatient with me.

I'm only going to tell you that when they say me I looked awful (the fact my hair was sticking up weird, my glasses were crooked, and there was a piece of bread hanging out of my mouth does not need to be mentioned). As predicted I was welcomed with mixed reactions. Merry and Pippin were happy to see me, Boromir seemed down right hostile, and the rest just seemed relieved I'd decided to show up.

"That's what we get for letting her come with," Boromir grumbled, not all that quietly.

It's really nice to know I'm so appreciated by him. How hard would it be to keep your thoughts to yourself? I do it all the time.

"I heard that you know!" I yell back at him.

Gandalf of all people, is the one to send a look my way that very clearly reads shut up. I roll my eyes and decide to spend the insanely long hike ahead entertaining Merry and Pippin. Those two seem like they need some extra trouble to keep them company.

What? I may have appeared mature before but that doesn't mean I am.


We've been walking all day. So far I've talked mostly to all the hobbits. They don't judge me because I'm a girl unlike some people *cough, Boromir, cough*. Merry and Pippin have more than enough stories about things they've done, Sam is just good company, and Frodo knows when you don't want to talk.

We finally get to stop and I can say I'm down right overjoyed. You have no idea how awful it is to walk all day with almost no stops. If you've never gotten to experience this pleasure I will tell you that after the first 15 or so miles it hurts simply to imagine walking further.

I sit down on a rock and sigh in relief. Oh my poor feet. No amount of PT will help my ankles after this, because the usual stretches didn't even put a dent in the pain. The only thing that will help is more moving.

I get up and wince at little from putting pressure on my feet again but whatever, there's always room to improve on horrid black belt forms. I focus on one of the second degree forms. Otherwise known as the Demon of Footwork, or technically Kwang-Gae.

It is one of the most awful forms I have ever done in terms of footwork. Let's just say I don't think they had humans in mind when it was invented, Elves, however, seems a lot more likely. I've been working on it for a couple of years now and my footwork at the beginning is just as bad as it was when I was learning it.

It's not as bad as I thought though because I haven't caught Legolas laughing at me yet. Boromir hasn't said anything either, mostly because he and Aragorn took Merry and Pippin to teach them to sword fight. Guess he didn't want to be one up-ed.

I hear a shout and stop what I'm doing to watch Boromir getting tackled by his students. He's pretty fun when he's not around me, I guess.

My thoughts are rudely interrupted with a shout, because nothing can stay nice and peaceful for too long here.

"Crebain from Dunland!"

Yep, nothing can ever stay peaceful for too long with these guys. Lovely.

"Sam put out that fire!" I practically scream at the poor guy.

He doesn't need telling twice and we do so quickly.

The awful flying bird spies were close now, and I was the only one left out in the open. Ah, karma, is now really the time to get back at me for stealing that one cookie when I was five?

Someone grabs my shoulders just as I'm thinking that and drags me into their hiding spot. When I turn to see who it is I'm faced with elf-boy staring back at me. The fact we're both trying to fit in the bush is making this even more awkward. I'm practically sitting on his lap.

When the coast is clear we all come out from wherever we managed to wedge ourselves. Me being incredibly awkward about it. But were any of the rest of them sitting on the Prince of Mirkwood's lap? No. I give myself a 10 out of 10 for effort.

Who's ready for snow? Cause I'm not. 

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