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Dedicated to- @jadegirl2713

The ride back is somber and between the three of us no one talks. Aragon isn't dead and I want to scream it in their faces. But if I'm wrong they will blame me for giving them false hope.

I could be wrong, he could be dead. I have no idea how much me being here has screwed up the original story. It might still happen the way it's supposed to, but I really have no idea.


"River!" Eowyn shouts, happy to see me.

I try to smile but I can't. I'm too worried now.

Her smile falters.

"Where is Lord Aragorn? Is he not with you?"

"He fell," Gimli tells her sadly.

She looks at me for confirmation and I hang my head. I should have tried to help him, it's not fun to go falling off high structures.

Normally I'm not one for hugs, but Eowyn looks like she needs one. I wrap my arms around the poor girl and she immediately starts to cry silently one my shoulder.

Gimli leaves us and Legolas makes to go to but then he seems to think of something and turns around.

"I would like to speak with you later."

Uh oh. I think I'm in trouble.

What exactly did I do again?


I finally leave Eowyn but I don't know if it would be a good idea or not to hunt down Legolas. Probably not, he was calmer than usual before. You know, assuming that's possible. But his best friend just fell off a cliff you'd think he'd be more upset.

I decide against it and go off to steal a book from somewhere. I haven't read in so long and I really need to.


Legolas finds me after my heist has been successfully pulled off. I'm back in the room Eowyn said I would stay in, she didn't think it was proper for me to stay with a bunch of guys. The book is quickly shoved under my pillow, not the best hiding place but it'll have to work.



"How is this not affecting you?"

"What do you mean?"

Playing it innocent usually works.

"About Aragorn," his voice is strained when he says this.

I stay quiet.

"River, please."

I look away, he'll really think I lost it. Why does he even pay attention to me? Why is he doing this?"

"Do you not trust me?" he sounds hurt.

I look back at him and see the betrayal in his eyes.

"It's not that Legolas."

"Then what is it?" his tone isn't one I've heard from him before.

"Fine if you won't tell me I'll leave, the next time you come crying find someone else!"

The door slams behind him.

Oh my god, he's mad at me! He thinks I don't trust him!

Well if his goal was to make me cry he succeeded! I curl up in a ball on the bed and bawl my eyes out.


Hi my lovely readers. So possible title change to Glasses, Hair Dye, Tattoos, and Middle Earth. What do you think, would this be better? Also, I might redo the cover again if I ever get bored enough. Which isn't likely.

I'm just going to leave you all with the quote I've been writing on myself all week.

"All the good comes in waves." -Quinn xcii   


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