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My brain cannot handle this type of stress.

I will literally die before I am able to decode boys' feelings, let alone elves'.

I hear a knock on the door and sigh before shouting at the person to 'come in'.

Eowyn walks in the room and smiles at me.

"You haven't left here for several hours," she says, seeming worried.

"I haven't felt like it, I'm drained for energy at the moment."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Well I suppose I can trust her, she has no interest in... Wait a second brain, stop with that thought.

"Ummm, sure I guess."

"Does it have anything to do with the elf?" She asks slyly, man that girl is good.

"Definitely not, no it has absolutely nothing to do with him."

"You're lying!" She practically sings.

I make my best innocent face at her.

"You fancy him."

"Ah, ummm, maybe, I think so."

"You both are so blind! Stand in the same room with the two of you for a couple minutes and you could tell you both feel the same way!"

"I think you need to check your information here because he doesn't like me like that. If it's anything it's definitely very insanely one-sided."

"Suuuuurrrrreeeee it is."

I glare at her, "Okay, out!"

She laughs and calls after herself, "Remember what I said!"

Then the door closes leaving me in peaceful silence again.

Of course, it's not long until my peace is disturbed with another knock on my door.

"If you have blonde hair there is no way I'm letting you in this room!"

"Good thing I don't then."

"Well in that case, I'm not accepting any visitors, whatsoever. So go away."

"I'm coming in."

"Go away Aragorn, if one more person who does or tells me anything related to my feelings comes in I will kill them."

"I am forced to take my chances anyway."

I huff in annoyance and sit up from where I had flopped in the middle of the room.

"What? Wait let me rephrase that. What now?"

"Legolas is concerned and I convinced him to let me be the one to talk to you instead."

"Let me think, I haven't done anything concerning today, have I? Nope, I didn't climb anything, get in a fight, or even breathe in the wrong spot. I've been in this room minding my own business."

"That's why he's worried."


I guess that makes sense.

I don't say anything to this because my brain has run out of snarky sarcastic responses for the time being.

"You should tell him," Aragorn says with a smirk.

"Tell him what?"

"I think you know," and with that he leaves the room.

I swear if Gimli comes in next I will kill someone.

I force myself out of the room and head out to the hall where everyone else should be gathered right now. I get there just in time for the conversation/debate to be in full swing. I wait, leaning against the wall until they're done.

"So we're off to Helm's Deep, savvy?"

"What is 'savvy'?"

"Who hurt you?"I ask, clutching my heart for dramatic effect cause, ya know.


I'm in my room while the others are seeing Gandalf off. Plus I need time to inspect my weapons. All of them are in desperate need of sharpening. I still have more time than I need before we leave so I head off to the blacksmith, because who knows the next time I'll get to sharpen my swords.

It's not far and in less than ten minutes I walk through the door. There's a man with longer brown hair there working and he turns toward me as I come in.

"I need my swords sharpened please, I wouldn't bother you as we all leave soon but I don't know the next time I'll get a chance."

He takes my swords from me and gets to work. I look around as he does so. This place seems familiar, but I can't remember why.

"What's your name, Miss?"

"River," I answer without turning around, "What's yours?"

"I'm Will."

That makes me turn around. My already weird day is getting weirder.

That does explain why the place looks familiar at least. I half expect to see Elizabeth and Jack now though.

I laugh to myself at this thought.

"What's so funny?"

"I've had a weird day," understatement of the century.

"If you don't mind, what made your day so strange, Miss River?"

"Not more of this 'Miss' stuff, I can't stand it!"

"Sorry, Miss, I mean River."

"Well let's think, everyone keeps telling me how I feel and then how to act about it. My brain will literally fry if I have to hear one more word said about it!"

Just then the door opens and Legolas of all people walks in. Of course. You just can't avoid people like you used to.

"Eowyn said she saw you come here."

Whose side is she actually on, is what I'd like to know. Probably team Rivolas. Wait did I just come up with a ship name for us?!

I focus back on what's happening to see Legolas and Will looking at each other strangely.

"Ok guys, this is Legolas. Legolas, this is Will. By the way Lego, I'm perfectly fine. There is absolutely no need to worry about me, so go away."

He laughs, "Fine, but are you sure? You could always tell me about what is bothering you."

"Leave," I say pointing at the door, and like a good little princling he does as told.

"You should tell him."

"That's what literally everyone has been telling me all day, so please just stop."

He hands me back my now sharp swords and I thank him.

"You look better without the barnacles, mate," I say on my way out, earning a confused look from him.

Let's see how long I last before I crack up, shall we?

My brain was being weird and said 'guess what you're going to put Will in the story'. And then I thought it would be so funny to have him and Legolas see each other.

There's days my creativity is like yeah, nope, and then there's times like this when I wish it said that. I actually really like this chapter though.

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