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River POV

I'm so confused.

I think I might like Legolas as more than a friend.

But he can't feel the same, right? Don't elves only fall in love once? Didn't he like that one elf, the one in the Hobbit with red hair? I can't remember her name right now.

He was in love, he can't be in love with me.

Legolas POV

I didn't mean to kiss her, my feelings just took over and it happened.

She can't be in love with me.

She doesn't see me as more than a friend. She never will. I've seen the way she looks at me, there's nothing special about it.

Not the way I look at her. I'm surprised she hasn't noticed. It's like she's the only thing worth looking at.

Aragorn's noticed, I'm sure he has. It won't be long until Gimli does as well. Both of them will tell me to tell River how I feel. I don't want to burden her with knowing how I feel when she doesn't feel the same.

River POV- Flashback

"Flyn," I mutter, "Flyn, people will see."

He let's go with a smirk, "Why don't you want them to know we're together?"

"People will talk, and personally I don't want to be everyone's lunch conversation, thanks."

"As you wish princess," he says with a fake bow.

I laugh and swat him, only to have him lean over and kiss my cheek. My best friend, Olivia, makes a face at us and fakes barfing.

"Shut up, Liv. It's not like you don't do this stuff with Tyler. Plus you guys are WAY more public about it."

"Actually I don't, seeing as I dumped Tyler."

I stared at her in shock, she always thought Tyler was the perfect guy, the perfect boyfriend.

"What!? When!? Why!?"

"Last week, I just don't really get the feels with him anymore. No stirrings even," She says with a straight face, not even saying anything about the reference we both heard her make.

"Oh my god, Olivia, why didn't you tell me?"

"It just didn't come up."


Flyn had been out of school today, but had texted me to come over. I had some free time before I had to teach class and came straight from school. His house was close so it didn't take long to get there.

I walked in the way I usually did and headed straight to his room where I knew he'd be. I never expected to see what I did.

My boyfriend and best friend, making out on his bed. It was getting heated too.

I just left. Neither of them knew I was there, so it was way too easy. It wasn't until I got to the martial arts building that the waterworks started.

I collapsed in Mr. Carter's wheelie chair behind the desk and bawled my eyes out. That was where he found me ten minutes later when he got there.

End Flashback

I don't really like this chapter. It's kind of a filler because I felt I was rushing things. Hopefully you like it more than I do.

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