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I'm so, well I don't know how I feel. Maybe this is what being in love feels like, but I have no idea. Fynn and I weren't even dating for a month before he cheated on me with Olivia. Other than that I've never had a boyfriend.

Why would you want to date any of the guys in high school? They're all either in two categories, gross or untouchable because your social status is nonexistent.

I still rode with Aragorn though. Gimli thought neither of us would be focused on what we were supposed to be doing if we were near each other. He's right but I won't tell him that.

Legolas had gone up ahead and I wasn't all that aware of what was going on around me. Do you blame me for reliving our kiss last night as many times as I feel like in my brain?

Gimli falls off his horse and I immediately burst out laughing.

"Nice to know she's paying attention," he grumbles.

I smirk at him.

"A scout!"

Nothing can stay non-life-threatening for long with these guys. It's just not possible.

Aragorn and I ride forward, but not before the king sticks his nose in my business.

"The women and children are heading to Helms Deep. You are a woman, and are going with them."

You're not the king of me.

I pretend not to notice what he said.

"You must go with the others!"

"You're wasting time."

He huffs and rides ahead of us. Drama king.

We hit the orcs and I pull out my swords to begin to decapitate them as I ride by. Aragorn and I quickly realise there isn't enough room for both of us and our swords, without someone accidentally killing the other, that is. I jump off, landing in a roll, before engaging with the orcs closest to me.

Pretty soon they're all dead.


I forgot about that part.

Smarty pants thought it'd be smart to ride a warg and took a tumble off the cliff. I mentally facepalm myself. If I did it for real I might break my glasses and that would be bad.

I run where I see Legolas and Gimli, pressing one hand over a cut on my bicep. Legolas is interrogating an almost-dead orc with Gimli.

"It's not worth it, guys," I tell them as I take out a dagger and slice the sleeve off my shirt.

They just stare over the cliff as I fumble with the sleeve, cutting it in half and failing to wrap my arm. Theoden comes over and tells them to get moving, as I fumble silencing the sentence enhancers I want to scream.

"Tend to your friend one of you, she looks like she needs help."

I hate him.

Legolas and Gimli finally notice my struggles, which cause Gimli to laugh.

"And here I thought lassie here could do everything!"

Thank you for crushing my ego.

Legolas smiles and comes over to me. He takes the fabric from me and carefully wraps it around my arm where it's cut. He probably didn't need to take that long, but he's enjoying the effect he has. I want to punch him. Tease.

I huff in annoyance at him, and he looks at me like he's innocent. I roll my eyes at him and he smiles giving my cheek a quick kiss.

One question. How far til Helms Deep?

Hey guys!

Short chapter, I know. I have several book ideas for when I finish this one. Including the idea for a sequel. It would be shorter, probably not more than 10 chapters. Would you be interested in me making one?

I also have ideas for another LOTR fanfic and a different story that will not be a fanfic. I repeat, IT WILL NOT BE A FANFIC. I have no idea if I will write either. But here are some basic descriptions, tell me what you think along with any possible title names (they will probably only be temporary, but I don't have any ideas).


LOTR fanfic descrip.

Eve was born on Earth, and raised as a human. She never fit in there. Perhaps it was her too strong opinions on everything? Or maybe her strange obsessions? Or the fact she looked different?

After all, Eve was an elf. Not meant for fitting in on Earth. She didn't know this, Eve was just thankful her earbuds fit in her pointed ears.

One day however, Eve finds a way into her true home. Goodbye lousy foster-parents, hello Middle Earth!



The plague spared no one. No one except a dozen kids living in the middle of a forest far away from civilization.

Cirrus and the rest of them had been living at camp, as they called it, for three years now. Then one day the supplies stop coming.

'The day they stop you will be alone in the world,' her mother had whispered to her back then.

Her mother was probably long gone by now, same with her father and everyone else's parents and family.

How can they survive for long without help though? Are their skills really as good as they believe they are? Or will the wilderness win the battle for survival?


Until next chapter!


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