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I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up it's the next day. I really don't want to get out of bed so I spend the rest of the time reading my stolen book. Eowyn brings me food and doesn't question what I'm doing.

I stay like this for a while. Aragorn should be back soon.


There's a knock on my door waking me from my nap. I finished the book and, not wanting to leave the room, slept.

"Go away!"

You woke me up there's no way you're allowed in!

The door opens anyway. People never listen.

Legolas walks in and I immediately wish my hair wasn't sticking up at all different angles from my head. Wait, why do I care? The very reason I've been in here all day has showed up at my door and I just let him in!

"River I'm sorry."

"What prompted this? Let me guess Aragorn ISN'T dead is he?"

Why am I yelling at him? I wanted him to come in and say he was sorry hours ago!

"River, I am sorry."

I walk over to him and finally stop when we're only inches apart. He opens his mouth to say something but I stop him by pressing my fingers against his lips.

"You're forgiven."

I feel him smile before I remove my fingers down to his hand that I take in mine intertwining our fingers. My other hand is brought up to cup his cheek and I slowly lean in. My eyes flutter closed as our lips connect with each other's.

His lips are so soft. I could stay like this forever.

We don't have that long though, and I pull away before I'm tempted to deepen the kiss.

"We need to go get ready."

He tries to steal another kiss instead of answering me and I take a step back furthering the distance between us.

"You're right, come on," he sighs.

I take his hand again, and standing on my toes, give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Lead the way, I have no idea where the armory is."

He laughs and takes me down the hall to it.


Aragorn storms out of the room, and I follow him.

Those two really need to give eachother an easier time. We're going to war for god's sake! But no, they still have to scream at each other.

Like, guys chill!


He turns around to face me.

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm trying to help, calm down."

"I know," he sighs.

"Knowing you might die is scary isn't it?"


"Personally, they should've asked me how to run the attack because I'd prefer to be ambushed. There's less sitting and waiting for the inevitable to happen."

He laughs at this, "We nearly were, so count yourself lucky."

True, I guess.


"If we had more time I'd get this adjusted, it's a little tight around the chest," I hear Gimli mutter.

We all turn in time to see the mail he has on fall down to the floor and pool by his feet.

"I think there's a more pressing matter you might want adjusted, Gimli."

"No one asked for you to comment lassie!" he fires back at me.

My what a group we are.


My computer just died. Lovely. Well here's another chapter anyway.


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