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Back in my room I stand in front of a mirror as I examine my new outfit. I'm wearing a dark charcoal colored top with a neckline that shows off the bird on my collarbone nicely, black pants, boots, and my cloak from Lothlorien. I look, well, I don't know. Definitely older, I must be 18 by now. But there's something else too, that I've only begun to see. My features look different somehow, prettier.

I strap my weapons to myself. I carry my swords ninja style instead of at my belt, two daggers are strapped to my belt, and of course two more are hidden in my boots.

I take one more look in the mirror, my hair is longer again. I had cut it only about a week ago but it looks like it hasn't been cut for months. So I grab a scissors and change my shirt so it doesn't get full of clippings.

I think for a second, about how I'm going to style it, I mean I am hanging out with royalty now. I decide then and begin to cut it. If my hair keeps growing like this I'm going to become an insanely good hairstylist. Too bad I don't have any type of product cause then I could really get fancy about it.


When I'm done I head out to find the others. They're at the stables getting their horses when I see them.

"I see someone was having a bad hair day and decided to chop it off," Aragorn comments, looking amused.

"It looks good Lassie," Gimli butts in.

"Thanks Gimli."

Legolas doesn't say anything, and looks away when I turn to look at him. I brush this off with a shrug as I turn to face Aragorn again.

"Am I stuck with you still?"

"Yes. Don't sound so happy about it."

"I'm sorry, next time I'll try harder not to."


We have made camp for the day and I walk through the tents on my way to find the others. I see Eowyn serving Aragorn her horrible soup and I have to silence a giggle as he tries to dump in out while her back's turned. She turns back towards him and he burns his hand on it.

I approach them and I smirk at Aragorn and he rolls his eyes right back at me.

"Are you hungry, River?" Eowyn askes offering me some of her soup.

'No thanks, I already ate something."

Aragorn rolls his eyes when she's not looking, knowing I haven't eaten anything yet. I stick out my tongue at him.

"Legolas was looking for you."

"Why couldn't it be Gimli for once?"

"Why couldn't what be Gimli?"

"Why couldn't you not eavesdrop?"

"I wasn't."

I turn to Aragorn, who's dumping his bowl on the ground now that Eowyn's left to feed other poor people her soup. He just smirks at me.

"I will never understand your friendship. EVER."

Aragorn gets up and walks off, but not before I glare at him. He winks at me.


I look up at Legolas. He looks right back at me.

No. Please no. Don't torture me with this.

"River, I have something to tell you."


"Ummm, I... I... I think I might be in love with you, River."

I didn't really expect that. He's still saving stuff but my brain really doesn't feel like processing it. It's still stuck on the first part.

"Do you think maybe you feel the same?"

"Legolas, I'm almost 100% percent certain I don't."

"I won't say anything about it again," He says defeatedly, and gets up to walk away.

I stand after him and grab his wrist, stopping him from going any farther.

"What I was going to say is, no I don't feel the same, because I'm 100% sure I like you more."

He turns around to face me, a grin slowly spreading across his face. I smile back at him, it's time I let someone else in my life again. Someone I trust. And I trust him.

He places one hand on my cheek and brings my face towards his, our lips connect as he kisses me. It's passionate and I swear I'm going to fall over the second he pulls away.

Someone starts clapping and we break apart, with goofy grins plastered on both of our faces.

"Finally, Laddie! I thought I might have to step in myself and help Aragorn play match-maker!" Gimli says.

"You nearly did," Aragorn tells him.

I smile at them and take Legolas' hand in mine intertwining our fingers. He gives me another quick kiss on the lips and I smile. This feels right. 

They kissed!!!
Awww my baby River is happy!!!

I literally had a ton of issues trying to write the confession part of this chapter. I had to go make a playlist of love songs before I could start.

Playlist includes:
Our Song- plain white ts
Good Thing Go- Quinn xcii
I Wanna Hold Your Hand- the Beatles
Get You the Moon- Kina ft. Snow
A Sky Full of Stars- Coldplay

Until the next time I update, bye loves.

PS, yes I changed my username

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