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Have I mentioned that walking for a long time sucks?

Well it does. You start out with a fairly positive attitude, and then it just gets worse and worse the longer you're walking. The hobbits weren't helping either. How someone could be so cheerful after waking up early with not getting enough sleep to begin with is beyond me.

No one has talked to me for awhile, which is fine. Let me stew in my annoyance in peace.

Why am I annoyed? Well how about because there are RINGWRAITHS searching for us and ARAGORN gave the hobbits swords and not me.

So I've decided to stew in my own area of Weather Top and keep lookout. At least then I'll be slightly useful, when the wraiths come.

I hear the hobbits saying something and realise that the idiots probably made a fire. I mean honestly, have you no survival instinct?

Well that's lovely, time to go notify Aragorn.

At least my luck isn't so awful I can't find him. It doesn't take me more than a minute before I do.

The wraiths interrupt me before I open my mouth to tell him they're coming.

He simply hands me a knife, before lighting a nearby torch and taking off in the direction of the hobbits.

At least now I have a weapon. That makes me seem way less stupid for running after him, and towards the wraiths.

Aragorn takes care of them while I run towards the hobbits. Frodo is lying on the ground looking fairly pathetic. I guess being stabbed by a wraith blade does that to you.

Aragorn comes over once they're all gone and inspects the wound. Saying something to Sam, who looks confused.

"Kingsfoil," I say offhandedly, knowing where the conversation is going.

"Yes kingsfoil," Aragon confirms, casting another suspicious glance at me.

Sam hurries off to get it after the confirmation. And Aragorn turns his attention from Frodo to me.

"How do you know so much when you don't even seem to pay attention?" He asks.

Ummm... Well you see where I come from you don't exist outside a book or movie. A few very good books and insanely long but amazing movies, might I add. I know your story better than you do right now.

"I do actually pay attention."

"Fine, we will be finishing this conversation later," he says, going over to Sam, who has returned with kingsfoil.

They tend to Frodo and I decide to go back to watching the horizon.

"We can't stay here much longer," I tell them.

"No we can't," Aragorn agrees, "We must quicken our pace and head to Rivendell with even greater speed."

Please no running!

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