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Legolas POV

River is sleeping next to where I sit. She didn't want me to leave until she was asleep. Even though she's asleep now I can't bring myself to leave her side. She's been through so much and she thinks she's weak because of it.

Personally, I think she's one of the strongest people I know. Which would contradict everyone's idea of her if they found out she killed herself. But for some reason that doesn't affect how I feel.

I want to protect her, but I can't protect her from her past that will haunt her forever.

I've never felt this way about another before. She wakes me up, makes me feel alive. I know she could never feel the same. And I'm sure she views me completely as a friend and nothing more.

I love to make her smile, when she does it's rare. Her whole face lights up, and I feel like a swarm of butterflies are in my stomach.

I want to ask her if she feels the same way. But after what she told me earlier I won't, at least not yet. It will only burden her more.

I get up and walk back to where I put my things. If Aragorn or any of the others catch me by her they will only think there's something between us. For her sake I won't give them that impression, because the only way to explain there's not would be to tell them everything she saw in the mirror.

She's not ready to have them know. At least not yet.

I'm alive! I'm alive!
Yay! Really short update, sorry😅.

I have an idea for a new story, that is not a fanfic, but may turn into one. It's got an apocalyptic type idea to it, and I really want to start it!

However, to make sure this book gets finished I won't start on it until I finish this, because I can't leave another story hanging.

Also on the note of leaving stories hanging, the Aftermath. My first Wattpad story, that has no ending. I may add one soon😏. If I get my game together, that is.

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