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"The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" 

Aragorn runs into the room breathless and screaming his head off about the beacons of Gondor. 

"Gondor calls for aid!"

"And Rohan will answer! Muster the Rohirrim!" 


Everything's been a whirlwind today. Soldiers rush around preparing themselves for the upcoming battle. I sharpen my weapons and grab my bag, heading out to the stables.

Two more battles. Then if all goes like it's supposed to, we all can live 'happily ever after'.


I'm sitting inside my tent fully dressed and ready to leave at a moment's notice. Outside it's dark and I can't see much outside the tent. My hearing however should be able to pick up voices when Aragorn and the others are getting ready to leave, probably without me. 

Which would be why I'm fully dressed, with all my weapons on me. If they think they're leaving me behind they have another think coming. I'm going with them. 

Legolas' voice catches my attention, and I wait until I've heard all they're saying before running out to say I'm coming with. 

"River should stay behind."

Gee thanks, Aragorn. 

"Too late! I'm coming with you guys!"

"Do you even know where we're going?"

"Yup, you're going to take the path through the mountain 'cause you've got a death wish."

"That is exactly why you shouldn't come."

"Too bad, if you don't let me come with I'll just follow you and get into probably even more trouble."

"The lass has a point you know," Gimli mutters.

"Thank you Gimli."

I mount my horse without as much difficulty as I had the first time, maybe I'm getting a hang of this. But then again probably not.


The guys have all stopped to examine the creepy stone entrance. Getting off my horse I follow their lead. We didn't have many difficulties getting out of camp. Eowyn tried to get us to stay, but obviously failed.

"I do not fear death," Aragorn states before heading inside.

Legolas takes my hand and we follow Aragorn through. Gimli follows us a moment later, grumbling. With each step we take there's a crunching sound. I don't look down to see what I'm stepping on, I'm already pretty sure it's bones.


We stand in the middle of what could more or less be described as a room. On all sides ghosts are surrounding us. Aragorn speaks, well more like begs the king of the dead. 

He swings his sword at Aragorn with every intent on killing him, Aragorn unphased raises his sword to block it. A look of shock covers the ghost king's face.

Yeah that's right, we've got Anduril. That I can't pronounce to save my life. That was probably a bad joke right now.

"Fight and regain your honor, what say you?"

"What say you?" 

Ghost guy really doesn't like answering questions.



I'M BACK! Admit it, y'all missed me. 

Anyways, short chapter, I know. I'm going to try to finish the book by probably the end of next week if I can get my act together. Anyway, school's been kinda crazy because all the teachers think we have to take either a test or quiz every time we are actually there in person. So there's usually 1 or 2 everyday we're there.

Also it turns out one of my teachers is a Tolkien fan too! Which is rare cause I have to explain to everyone else who Legolas is...


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