Here Comes the Tears nah nah nah

551 11 23

(Basically the author's note were I go and get all emotional thanking people.)

So first of thank you to my readers, all of you. I love seeing new comments as well as votes on the story. Thank you for reading until the very end, it means a lot.

Thank you for reading, I never even expected to get a response when I first reached out to you for advice. You've been a great friend and mentor throughout the course of this book.

Thanks for reading. And not sabotaging the comments.

Thank you for all the comments I hope you enjoyed the Beatles reference on the chapter title.

Again, thank you all and here is the end unless I post announcements after this. There won't be a sequel, as sad as it is for me to say. I feel like I can end River's story here comfortable.

I am leaving now. Good bye.


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