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"What's happening out there?"

I turn to Gimli, who's standing next to Legolas. He's so short only the top of his helmet is visible above the wall.

At least we have him here for comic relief.

"Nothing, Gimli," I say with a poorly concealed giggle.

"You could've picked a better spot," he grumps at Legolas, "I can't see what's happening!"

"Shall I describe it to you, or would you like me to find you a box?"

Gimli looks at me for support and I just shrug at him.

"Kiss her and she's on your side now, eh?"

Legolas smirks, pulling me to him so he can kiss me. I twist out of his grasp quickly, enjoying the expression he now wears. Instead, I grab him pulling him to where I am now. He kisses me with so much passion, too bad there's a super huge battle about to take place.

Aragorn walks up to us. He has a slight smirk on his face due to the fact he probably saw the whole thing.

"Well lad, let's hope whatever luck you live by holds."

Wow, did I accidentally push your glass off the wall, Gimli?

"Your friends are with you Aragorn."

"Let's hope they last the night," our raincloud mutters.

"I thought you were one of them," Gimli rolls his eyes at this statement.


I turn to look at Legolas, "Yeah?"

"If I don't survive..."

"I will kill you again."

"I love you, River."

"I know. I love you too."

He leans in, kissing me quickly before stepping away and loading his bow. Aragorn is commanding the archers and Gimli and I sit waiting impatiently.

They fire at the orcs and Gimli begins trying to see over the wall again.

"Did they hit anything?"

"Half of them are elves Gimli. Did you actually think they could miss?"

Aragorn calls out something in elvish.

"What are they saying?"

"If I really had to guess, ladders."

"Yes! Come on, bring them to me."

I draw my blades and pray to someone listening I make it through the battle. Orcs begin climbing the ladders and I kill them before they can get off the last step.

"Legolas! Two already!"

"I'm on seventeen, nineteen..."


"I'm on five!"

"I'll have no pointy-eared princling outscoring me! Or lass!"

I continue to cut down the orcs before they can climb off the two ladders near me. Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two...

Aragorn is screaming something at Legolas. Just as my brain remembers the bomb I'm thrown off the wall.


The ground is hard. But that's nothing new.


Legolas runs up to me and helps me up before handing me back one of my swords. The other was on the ground next to where I fell. I grab it, putting it on my back as Legolas grabs my hand and we take off running.

"To the keep! Haldir, pull back to the keep!" Aragorn yells as we race past him killing orcs in our way.

"Are you hurt?" Legolas askes looking concerned.

"No, I'm perfectly fine, Legolas," I tell him squeezing his hand.


I figured I needed to figure out what I'm writing next

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I figured I needed to figure out what I'm writing next. So, may I present the cover for my next book😁

For those of you wondering, 'is this the sequel?' NOPE! It's an idea I had for a stand alone book that's not fan fiction.


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