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It had been two years since Legolas and I came to Mirkwood after Aragorn was crowned king. Frodo and Gandalf had left for the Undying Lands with Galadriel and Elrond. The hobbits had gone back to the Shire and Sam had married Rosie Cotton.

Thranduil and I get on each other's nerves often. He hadn't approved of Legolas' decision to marry me at first but had come to terms with it, even if he wasn't exactly happy.


I look down at the child in my arms, then up at my husband sitting beside me.

"What are we going to name him?"

I glance back down at the bundle in my arms. He had blue eyes like both of us and light blonde hair like Legolas. He was perfect.

Now if only I knew what to call him.

When we first found out I was pregnant it was decided that Legolas would pick a girl name and I would pick the boy name. But now looking down at my son I could barely remember the decision I came to.



It would mean a ton if you guys would check out my comic the Disenchanteds

It would mean a ton if you guys would check out my comic the Disenchanteds

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Thanks for reading!

- Deli💜

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