Chapter 1 Meeting Mishaps

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"Be at Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul at 1 pm today. Don't be late." Hyun Bin read from his phone.

Hyun Bin was in his penthouse, dressed only in his white robe and slippers, his hair tousled and wet from the shower he just took. Hyun Bin sighed as he read the text, frustration evident on his face as he read the details. He hasn't even had his morning coffee yet and his abeoji has already dumped this message on him.

( Visuals: Hyun Bin's Penthouse )

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( Visuals: Hyun Bin's Penthouse )

It's been days since that meeting and Hyun Bin still couldn't wrap his head around why his abeoji decided he had to marry that girl. Since then, Hyun Bin hasn't slept well either. It was simply impossible with the nightmares of that horrid day bombarding his head as he slept.

Apart from drowning himself in work, Hyun Bin was simply living a shell of a life as he suppressed his emotions forcibly, refusing to face the memories again. Thinking about the arrangement gave Hyun Bin a headache and he tossed his phone on his bed and made a beeline for his kitchen. He knew he needed that cup of coffee desperately or he might lose his mind.

As the bitterness of the coffee set in, Hyun Bin relaxed into the crisp and sharp aftertaste of his coffee as sat back in his chair. Looking at the view from his penthouse, Hyun Bin got lost in his thoughts.

"Just why? Why her? Why did the old man decide to meddle with his relationship again? And where was his eomeoni through this? Probably off shopping..." Hyun Bin thought bitterly. No doubt his eomeoni was off shopping for the latest handbags and shoes yet again. It's not like she does anything else with her time.

Shaking that last thought out of his head, Hyun Bin picked up the thick envelope that he dumped on his table the night before and decided it was time to peruse its contents. After all, he requested it from his secretary days ago after he found out about this arranged monstrosity.

The contents spilt out on his table, consisting of photographs and documents regarding his future wife. Hyun Bin picked up the photos first and found himself simply growing disgusted over the excessive makeup and clothes she has on in practically every photo.

"It's not like she needs them. She would be what most men describe as a simple beauty without all that excessiveness." Hyun Bin mused in his head but stopped himself immediately.

Deciding he has seen enough, Hyun Bin read the documents next. Hyun Bin's brow deepened as he read through everything. The girl had been involved in numerous scandals and he wondered what his abeoji saw in her. Surely scandals would only sway public sentiment against their company.

Hyun Bin also noticed how apart from Chairwoman Han, there were no other family members listed in her profile. Rubbing his head, Hyun Bin set the documents aside and turned to his pile of work instead. He didn't want to waste another brain cell thinking about this disastrous arrangement.

Hyun Bin's morning flew by and before he knew it, he had to get dressed for his first meeting with his future wife. The idea still sounded foreign in his head and Hyun Bin simply put on his suit and styled his hair, not putting much thought into his appearance.

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