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Visuals first! You lovelies have no idea how hard it is to find a child actor/actress to play their kids. All of them are so cute I couldn't pick! Also, can I just say it's so hard to see dimples on children or is that just me? Oh and I tried really hard to picture how their children will really look like if they are a mix of them/ mix of he and she who shall not be named but it's tough so I gave up. Binjin visuals on kids = impossible hunt for them until they actually have children of their own🤪 don't mind my delulu mind😂 Without further ado...

 Binjin visuals on kids = impossible hunt for them until they actually have children of their own🤪 don't mind my delulu mind😂 Without further ado

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Instagram: @kim_jiyu_

(She's really a sweetheart!💛)

Obviously, this is a more recent photo of Ji Yu. Eun Ae is a few years younger at around 3. Also, I know at that age, kids tend to say shorter sentences but I imagine Eun Ae to be gifted so she will be rather vocal!

 Also, I know at that age, kids tend to say shorter sentences but I imagine Eun Ae to be gifted so she will be rather vocal!

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Instagram: @_angel_elijah

(This precious boy! I just had to!💛)

Jeong Eun will be 4 at this point which is not that far off Woo Jin's age in real life. The cheeky little boy he is:)


2 years later
"We're going on a trip! We're going on a trip! One step, two step, bom beep beep! We're going..." Eun Ae and Jeong Eun sang in unison.

Hyun Bin and Ye Jin watched after their hyper babies lovingly, their hands intertwined as they let their children lead the way down the familiar path to the meadow.

Jeong Eun, being the careful one would occasionally turn back to check on his parents to make sure they weren't straying too far. Eun Ae was simply giggling as she pointed at the butterflies fluttering next to them.

"Love? Do you have any idea what bom beep beep means?" Hyun Bin asked.

Ye Jin was honestly equally clueless as she cocked her head to the side in wonder.

"Does everything need to have a meaning when it comes to our little ones? They probably invented that." Ye Jin teased her husband gently, laughing a little at how awkward her love sounded saying their children's newly invented phrase.

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