Chapter 13 Birthday Confessions

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WARNING: There will be some mention of violence and corporal punishment in this chapter! Nothing too descriptive but just in case it is triggering to some of you, just laying it out here. As before, skip the *** and read the summary provided at the end! If not, hugs because you'll definitely need it in this chapter!

TTS: 5 Months

For the past few days since that incident, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin have been well...civil. They were cordial with one another, but it is evident that both chose to keep their physical distance after that night.

Hyun Bin had his protective barriers up again while Ye Jin was feeling guilty about almost kissing Hyun Bin again. At least this time, there was no planned avoidance and the couple still ate and slept together.

Throughout the week, both were unknowingly thinking back to the magical night they shared, and the memories of that day played in their heads like a movie.

Today was no different from the past few days. Both arose in the early morning and prepared for their day. After a quick breakfast together, Hyun Bin left for the office while Ye Jin went to the garden. The flowers were doing well and Ye Jin could already see the first signs of growth in her precious seedlings. Soon, the garden would be filled with flowers and Ye Jin couldn't be happier.

Wiping the sweat off her brows, Ye Jin took a seat on the steps as she drank some water to replenish her fluids. It was then her phone began to ring and Ye Jin quickly answered the phone. "Yeoboseyo?

"Yeoboseyo Ji Wan ssi! You finally picked up the phone!" Shin Hye's voice rang through the phone.

"Omo Shin Hye ssi, I'm sorry, I was gardening." Ye Jin apologised immediately when she saw the missed calls.

"I figured. Anyway, I'm calling to let you know that a package will be arriving at the house this afternoon. Please help me pass it to Bin." Shin Hye told Ye Jin.

"Of course, what's the package for? Is it important?" Ye Jin asked curiously.

"It's his birthday present! Did you not know?" Shin Hye asked, surprised that Ji Wan didn't seem to know about his birthday.

"Ani...I never asked. It's a good thing you told me about it then." Ye Jin responded, her mind already whirling with ideas to celebrate his birthday.

"Ne, good thing indeed! Anyway, I'll be flying off to the US today so please just make sure he gets the present!" Shin Hye chirped.

"Ne, have a safe flight." Ye Jin laughed and the two exchanged pleasantries before they hung up.

"It's his birthday..." Ye Jin wondered to herself as she thought about what she could do for him.

The day started off so normally and Hyun Bin showed no indication that today was a special day either. Did the man not celebrate such a special day?

Knowing Hyun Bin, Ye Jin figured that that was the case. Determined to give Hyun Bin a memorable birthday celebration, Ye Jin got to work immediately.

Dialling a number, Ye Jin waited for the call to get through. "Annyeonghaseyo Secretary Kang."

"Annyeonghaseyo Mrs Han, how may I help you?" Secretary Kang greeted politely although he was quite curious why she was calling him.

"Will Hyun Bin ssi be done in time for dinner?" Ye Jin got straight to the point.

"Ne, he doesn't have much on his schedule today. I can let him know you expect him home for dinner?" Secretary Kang asked unsurely.

"Ani, please don't tell him anything. Just do me a favour and get him home by dinner time." Ye Jin interjected quickly.

"Ne, I'll do that." Secretary Kang confirmed before Ye Jin hung up after thanking him.

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