Chapter 16 Wonderland

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For the past few days, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin have gotten into a routine as they went about their daily schedules. They have started sleeping in the same bed again and thankfully, the peace that Jinnie gave Hyun Bin kept his nightmares away.

Hyun Bin has gotten used to falling asleep to her flowery scent and it was the same for Ye Jin. She has gotten used to sleeping with Bin. She loves the warmth that radiates off his body that warms her normally cold hands and feet.

The couple would occasionally head out for a morning run together as part of their usual workout routine. Both were appreciative of the fact that they shared a common mindset about keeping fit.

The two usually enjoyed breakfast together and Halabeoji would occasionally join the couple. The house seems a lot warmer now that everyone was on good terms. Hyun Bin has never found himself so relaxed and at home before.

After breakfast, Hyun Bin would head to the office or his study, depending on his meeting schedule. After a few days, he found that he much preferred working from home since he got to hear Jinnie's voice and laughter from the garden. Everything about her calmed him and he found himself smiling a lot more now than before.

Ye Jin would normally spend her hours while Bin was working gardening or reading. She has recently picked up baking as well. They usually enjoyed what she baked over dinner.

Ye Jin was always especially delighted when Hyun Bin would compliment her cooking. There is just something heartwarming about cooking for your loved ones and seeing them enjoy the food.

Since Hyun Bin was pretty busy with work lately, the two would instead, go out for strolls around the family house. Ye Jin enjoyed explored the area surrounding the house.

In their explorations, they also came across a meadow which Ye Jin fell in love with. Knowing his wife loves the meadow, Hyun Bin promised her they would go back for a picnic one day.

If they were staying in, Hyun Bin made it a point that they would do activities to get to know one another more. Ye Jin also decided to help Hyun Bin keep up to date on the recent movies and the two found that they both enjoyed comedy shows.

Both enjoyed the comfortable routine they have established. Their days were filled with smiles and laughter from Ye Jin's warmth and love.

Today was slightly different from their usual days. Hyun Bin's abeoji had informed them days ago that the couple would be doing some charity work together at an orphanage.

The orphanage director loved the reading session at the charity event so much that she had invited the couple to read to the children again. This would be their first official charity work together and Ye Jin was simply excited to see the children again.

That morning, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin had a delightful breakfast together before they left to prepare for the orphanage visit. In the car, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin read through the briefing notes from the publicity team, detailing what they should do.

Ye Jin frowned a little at the notes, not liking how scripted everything was. "Can't we just be natural? Kids are sensitive, they will pick it up if we follow that script. It's too fake."

Hyun Bin pursed his lips at her comment and nodded his head. "You're right, it's easier to be natural but...I'm not great with children."

Ye Jin smiled assuringly at Bin and took his hand. "It's not that hard. Children just need love. As long as you are speaking to them from the heart, they will love you. Besides, some of the orphans I met were quite excited to meet you. They said you look like a prince charming."

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