Chapter 37 But it's Destiny

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( Wedding invite for the non-twitter lovelies! )

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( Wedding invite for the non-twitter lovelies! )


Warning: Adult content in this chapter. There are some sexual innuendos too which are said in passing and I won't be able to *** since they are too short. BUT heavy adult content will be *** and as usual, please skip and read the summary instead. Enjoy! 🥰


Song for the chapter: But it's Destiny by 10cm (wait for the cue!)

6 months later

In Ye Jin's apartment

Ye Jin was currently in her apartment, her eyes wistful as she rocked Eun Ae to sleep gently. After some time, her sweetheart finally fell asleep and Ye Jin placed her down in her cot.

"Eun Ae's asleep." Ye Jin sighed softly.

It's only been a day since she was confined to her apartment in Seoul. Yes, confined. Ye Jin felt like she might lose her sanity soon. She misses Bin, she misses their son and the family home. Her little princess was the only reason she hasn't lost her sanity yet. Thank goodness they agreed to each taking one of their children with them during their confinement period.

Now, why was she in her apartment instead of the family home?

At this point, she was wondering why she and Bin agreed to stay apart the night before their wedding day. So what if it's part of the wedding customs that the Hyun family followed? It's the 21st century! They should embrace change. Who thought it was a good idea to keep the bride and groom apart until the wedding? This is unbelievably torturous and it was making Ye Jin miserable.

It was probably her frustration over the living situation talking but Ye Jin really just wanted to be back in Bin's arms now.

"Ye Jin ah, stop moping around. It's only been a day! We should be celebrating! You'll see him tomorrow!" Hyo Jin called out to her.

Ah, she forgot to mention one tiny detail. The girls were with her in her apartment.

Both were overly excited for an opportunity to have a girls night, much to the chagrin of Ye Jin. As if the bachelorette party wasn't crazy enough as it is...Truthfully, she was feeling the pre-wedding jitters and it wasn't helping that Bin was the only one that can calm her down. Biting her lip nervously, Ye Jin sat down on the floor as Hyo Jin handed her a glass of wine.

"Is it really a good idea to drink the night before my wedding?" Ye Jin asked incredulously.

"One glass wouldn't hurt. It'll help calm you." Hyo Jin explained, her best friend's nervousness not escaping her sharp eyes.

Ye Jin said nothing as she took a sip of the wine, the warmth filling her chest instantly as she took more sips in an attempt to calm her nerves.

Why was she feeling so nervous? It's not like Bin would leave her alone on the altar. Oh goodness, what if something goes awry? Ye Jin knew she was overthinking but she couldn't help it. She doesn't doubt Bin's love for her but anything can go wrong. Their wedding needed to be perfect.

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