Chapter 36 On Your Wings

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Warning: Before you panic, this is not a storm warning HAHA. Quite the contrary actually. Adult content in this chapter. Read at your own discretion and as usual, there will be a *** for the skip! Took me awhile to write this but um third time's the charm right?🤭Enjoy the chapter and get ready for a walk down a "non-existent memory lane".

Big disclaimer: None of the events are real even if the photos are real (um am I making sense? As in I just pieced them together?) Anyway, don't mind my delulu mind HAHAHAHA

Also, I'm so sorry this update took a while! Thank you all for being so patient🤧🤗I finally managed to churn out a chapter after days, I'm crying. But yes, true MVP goes to my personal motivation coach and soul sis raizafaisel! Thank you for cheering me on through my writer's block! This chapter is for you huhuhu🥰 Enjoy!

Song for the chapter: On Your Wings by Kurt Hugo Schneider, sung by Ni/Co

5 months later

So much has happened in the past 5 months. The adoption got finalised which meant Ye Jin and Hyun Bin could finally meet their son for the first time. After bouncing some ideas for names around, they settled with Hyun Jeong Eun.

Jeong meaning 'chaste, pure, loyal' and Eun meaning 'kind, merciful, charitable'.

( Visuals: Their baby boy

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( Visuals: Their baby boy. I'm not going to reveal who I actually casted as their son yet but this picture is already pretty obvious for those smartical particles out there. With regards to Eun Ae, I did cast a child actress too but I can't find her baby pics so huhuhu I can't show you how baby Eun Ae looks like🥺)

Hyun Bin and Ye Jin's wish for their son was for him to grow up to be a kind and loyal man.

The couple had their hands full juggling two babies but eventually, they found their rhythm. Ye Jin was a natural and while it took Hyun Bin a little longer to learn how to take care of their babies, he is an amazingly sweet appa to their little ones.

Ye Jin chuckled when she recalled an early memory of Bin with Jeong Eun, her eyes wistful as she stared off into the garden.



" wake up." Hyun Bin shook Ye Jin slightly while trying to hold onto a wriggling Jeong Eun.

Ye Jin groaned softly as she peeled her eyes open, only to see Bin holding Jeong Eun in his arms. Her little one was wide awake and babbling softly at his appa.

"What is it Bin? Is something wrong with Jeong Eun?" Ye Jin yawned tiredly, her motherly instincts taking over as she tried to reach for their child.

"Ani, I just have a question. I've changed his diaper and fed him some milk. Now what do I do? Do I just hang out with him?" Hyun Bin asked innocently.

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