Chapter 27 Drunkard Haze

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Hyun Bin was staring out of the window of his study. His whole body was tensed up in anger at what he just found out. It has been a few days and his "wife" was still acting as odd as ever.

As promised, Secretary Kang has done some background checks and after the initial euphoria that his theory was correct, Hyun Bin was mad. Han Ji Wan has a twin and they are the spitting image of one another. He knew that his gut was right all along. His Jinnie is certainly not the imposter in his family house right now.

Hyun Bin was fuming because he has allowed himself to be fooled yet again, this time by the Han family and he was bent on chasing her out of the house. He doesn't know what is going on, but he knew that he didn't want Han Ji Wan in his house any longer.

Hyun Bin stormed out of the study in search of Han Ji Wan, the papers containing the evidence in his hands. He found her in the common room painting her nails and he did not hesitate as he slammed down the papers in front of her.

"Get out of my house." Hyun Bin said in a low voice, his eyes angrily glaring at the girl. Ji Wan looked up at Hyun Bin, cocking her head curiously to the side. She seemed unaffected by Hyun Bin's anger as she held up the paper like it was some trash. "I'm your wife. Why should I leave? What's this rubbish?" Ji Wan sneered.

"You are not my wife. Get out of my house." Hyun Bin retorted immediately, breathing hard from the anger coursing through his veins. "We are married Hyun Bin. Did you forget that already?" Ji Wan responded as she held up the ring on her finger. 

She got mad when Hyun Bin reached out and roughly tugged the ring off her finger, pulling her up from the couch in the process. He ruined her nails! By now, the commotion has caught the attention of Mdm Ji Hyun and Halabeoji who both rushed to defend the poor girl.

"Mr Hyun, what are you doing? You're going to hurt her! Whatever argument happened between you two, this is still no way to treat a lady!" Mdm Ji Hyun chastised as she stood between the two. "Bin...control yourself. I'm sure there's a way to resolve your differences." Halabeoji urged as well.

"This woman is not who she claims to be. She has a twin." Hyun Bin broke it to everyone. Everyone gasped as they looked between Hyun Bin and Ji Wan, confusion clear on their faces. "You are not the one who has been living with us for the past six months. Where is your twin? I know you are definitely not Jinnie." Hyun Bin said coldly.

"What makes you say that?" Ji Wan fluttered her eyelashes seductively to cover up her nervousness. She underestimated Hyun Bin and the man has proven himself to be less dense than she thought he would be.

"I have my ways. Now, where is Son Ye Jin and what did you and your eomeoni do to her?" Hyun Bin asked in a warning tone. If Ji Wan and her eomeoni laid even a finger on his precious angel, he will kill them.

Ji Wan let out a heavy sigh, there really is no point denying this any longer. "Yes, we switched but you know she was just acting, right? She never loved you. She's back to doing what she loves and maybe even with the man she loves. I'm YOUR wife so why don't you give us a chance instead?" Ji Wan said cockily. The truth couldn't have been further from that, but Hyun Bin's insecurities caused him to second guess himself. Is that true? Jinnie was acting? Does she have another man in her real life?

"I want you out of my house NOW. Get ready to receive the divorce papers. No matter what, I will never want a scheming bitch like you in my life." Hyun Bin shouted, his nostrils flaring now as he pointed at the door.

Ji Wan was annoyed at this point. She wanted the man for herself and now her twin has ruined her life yet again. In the corner, Tae Joo watched as Ji Wan screamed in anger and left. "That's plan A down." Tae Joo said to himself darkly.

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