Chapter 17 I Love You

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FAIR WARNING: This chapter has some eh hem adult material. Please do not read that part if you are underage. Goodness knows Wattpad ruined my innocence a long time ago and I don't wish the same for you lot. If you can take it, go ahead, if not please don't feel obligated to read everything I write:) As usual, a summary will be provided so you won't miss out on anything. It's also my first time writing something like this so bear with me. I hope it's not too cringe🙂

TTS: 4 months, 19 Days

Ye Jin and Hyun Bin were in the car on their way to the family villa. They had woken even before the first signs of daybreak. In Ye Jin's excitement, she had almost forgotten her bags for the stay there. 

Hyun Bin shook his head at her in amusement as he came out with their bags, depositing them carefully in the trunk. Both were looking forward to their short getaway since Ye Jin rarely took holidays as a caregiver and Hyun Bin was too much of a workaholic to take breaks as well. 

Being able to finally step away from reality for a while was a refreshing experience. Ye Jin's excitement was clearly rubbing off on Hyun Bin as well as he drove them towards their destination.

Ye Jin packed some sandwiches for their breakfast since they would be on the road for a while. They should reach shortly before noon, but it would still take hours of driving. 

Ye Jin felt bad that Hyun Bin would have to drive for hours though he was insistent that he could handle it. Ye Jin was humming happily as she munched on the sandwiches, looking out of the window happily. They were now away from the city and Ye Jin was admiring the greenery calmly, keeping an eye out for anything that may interest her.

Suddenly, Ye Jin blushed when she felt something. "Um Bin ssi..." 

"Ne?" Hyun Bin asked, cocking his head to the side at Jinnie's sudden shyness.

"Do you think we could stop for a toilet break soon?" Ye Jin finally spoke again. 

She has clearly underestimated her bladder and she desperately needed to pee. Hyun Bin understood the situation immediately and thought hard about the route there.

"There's a food street down the corner. There should be a toilet there. Can you hold it in for 10 minutes more?" Hyun Bin asked Jinnie softly, not wanting to cause her too much embarrassment. 

It is understandable that she needs to go to the toilet, nature calls. But, Hyun Bin was quick to note how flustered Jinnie was when she asked about it and wished to ease her discomfort. Ye Jin nodded in response and kept her eyes fixed on the road ahead of her. She knew her face was still red and she was thankful Bin simply kept quiet as he drove ahead.

One toilet break later, Ye Jin was back to her usual smiley self as she walked back to Bin, who was waiting for her outside the public toilet. 

Now that she wasn't feeling like her bladder was going to burst, Ye Jin finally took a look at the food street they were in. While she normally preferred to plan ahead when going on trips, Ye Jin loved the vibe of the street so much that she wanted to do an impromptu tour of the place.

"Bin ssi...This place has so many beautiful murals. Do you think we have time to explore this place?" Ye Jin asked innocently, fluttering her doe-like eyes at him. 

Hyun Bin melted at the eyes Jinnie was giving him and checked the time. "Of course, but we'll have to have lunch here." 

Ye Jin clapped her hands excitedly at that and nodded her head vigorously. "That sounds wonderful!" Ye Jin squealed before pulling Bin to the nearest mural.  


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