Mother's Day Special

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The glow of the morning barely flitted in through the curtains to the master bedroom when Hyun Bin woke up that morning. The iridescent glow danced across Ye Jin's skin, highlighting her beautiful lines and curves. 

With one arm still under his wife, Hyun Bin smiled down fondly at her, shifting the blankets which had been lost during sleep such that they were covering her once again.

Beside them, their alarm clock showed just how special today was.

It was Mother's Day.

The dimples deepened on Hyun Bin's cheek as he gazed down fondly at his wife, recalling the tiresome months she had to go through just so that they could welcome their children to their family. He would always remain indebted to her, for her sacrifices were not something he could pay back in one lifetime alone.

The pain could never be forgotten but mothers chose to go through it all over again because of love.

Truly, mothers were the true superheroes in the world.

Planting a gentle kiss on Ye Jin's forehead, Hyun Bin swung himself off the bed, determined to make Mother's Day special for his wife. 

Ki Rai was finally at the age where she didn't constantly need to be with her eomma which meant this would be their first proper celebration together.

Gingerly, Hyun Bin snuck out of the room and closed the door behind him. Letting out the breath he had been holding, Hyun Bin set off on his first task of the day. Waking the children.

He could only hope that the heavens were smiling down at them today because he was sure his precious Ki Rai could very well wake his angel with her wails.

Waking Jeong Eun and Eun Ae was easy enough. The tickle monster works wonders on Eun Ae when she refused to wake up. His two eldest were changing out of their pyjamas when he left their bedroom to get their little sister.

With one last prayer, Hyun Bin opened the door to Ki Rai's bedroom and was surprised to see his baby girl peering up at him.

"Good morning, princess. You're awake! Appa is so proud of you." Hyun Bin lifted Ki Rai into his arms and started placing kisses on her cheeks.

Ki Rai giggled as she started wriggling in her appa's arm before she pointed at the calendar in the far corner of the room. "Momo day!"

"Mother's day, sweetie. That's right. It's eomma's day today." Hyun Bin chuckled softly at his daughter.

"Eomma!" Ki Rai clapped happily, smiling cheekily at her appa.

"Hush baby. We're going to get you changed and then we'll do something very special for eomma, okay?" Hyun Bin cooed.

And that was how the Hyun family – minus Ye Jin of course – found themselves in the kitchen that morning. Bags of flour, trays of eggs, and the random cake pans and tins could be seen scattered around the counters as Hyun Bin tried his best to manage his three hyper children.

"Eggs first!" Eun Ae argued.

"Flour first!" Jeong Eun shouted.

"Choco!" Ki Rai pointed at the bag of cocoa powder on the counter, completely oblivious to what her siblings were arguing about.

"Enough! We are following my recipe today." Hyun Bin broke their argument.

"Appa, is it eggs first or flour first?" Eun Ae crossed her arms, her bottom lip already jutting out in a mini pout.

Now, that stumped Hyun Bin. Truthfully, he had never thought much about that and chose to go with his gut feelings on most days. He had a feeling this baking session would be one disastrous one indeed.

"Neither. We just have to separate the dry ingredients from the wet ones. Eun Ae why don't you start beating the eggs and Jeong Eun can help me sift the floor?" Hyun Bin suggested.

"Ne!" They chorused, their argument was long forgotten now when they started on their tasks.

Hyun Bin was silently grateful that everything was in control so far. 

Ki Rai watched from the counter as the family prepared the ingredients for mixing. Hyun Bin was so busy teaching Jeong Eun that he didn't notice Ki Rai eating cocoa powder out of the bag. Imagine his horror when he finally looked up to see Ki Rai with her sticky fingers and face.

"Ki Rai!" Hyun Bin said exasperatedly, scooping his daughter up before she could take another mouth of cocoa powder.

"Nooo appa!" Ki Rai started kicking angrily.

"That's not for you!" Hyun Bin panicked.

How much had she eaten? The last thing he wanted was Ki Rai getting a tummy ache.

Ki Rai's screams filled the kitchen as she started punching her appa with her chocolate-covered fists. During that time, Eun Ae and Jeong Eun decided to start a flour fight and were throwing flour at each other.

"Eun Ae, Jeong Eun! Stop!" Hyun Bin tried to contain their excitement only to get dealt with a ton of flour on his face.

Things were quickly getting out of hand in the kitchen with three walking snowmen and one angry chocolate baby.

That was the scene Ye Jin walked into when she woke up that morning. The screams were what alarmed her and she didn't even change out of her clothes before she ran down to check on the situation.

"What's going on?" Ye Jin's eyes were wide.

At her voice, all four babies froze and looked up at Ye Jin.

"Eomma day!" Ki Rai pointed cutely at her eomma, reduced back to a little angel.

"Um." Hyun Bin was at a loss for words as he tried to dust the floor off Jeong Eun and Eun Ae's head.

"Happy Mother's Day!" Jeong Eun and Eun Ae cheered as though their enthusiasm would get them out of trouble.

" were baking?" Ye Jin narrowed her eyes slightly at her four babies, moving to lift Ki Rai out of her appa's arms.

Hyun Bin was already pouting slightly at the ruined surprise. He had wanted Ye Jin to wake up to a chocolate cake baked by their children but instead, she woke up to this mess.

To his shock, he felt a bag of flour being poured over him right then before giggles filled the room.

"How could you not wake me for a flour fight? I can't miss out on all the fun!" Ye Jin was laughing loudly at her snowman of a husband.

Their children clapped and squealed before joining the fight which ended with the family of five on the floor, leaning against the cupboards as they laughed heartily together.

"Happy Mother's Day to the best eomma in the world!" Hyun Bin kissed his wife's rather powdery cheek lovingly.

"Happy Mother's Day eomma!" Their children leaned in to hug Ye Jin.

And that was another one of their many adventures together as a family. 



A quick mother's day special to celebrate all the sacrifices and love this fandom of mothers gives on a daily basis! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Hope everyone has a good celebration with your mothers today! And do stay safe too🥰 



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