chapter two

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The smell of breakfast being made, lingering all the way from downstairs in the kitchen to my room upstairs, makes my stomach growl and my urge to eat appear.

I swing my feet over the edge of my bed and bite my lip when they hit wood floor. This is different from the carpet in my room back home. . . Well, I suppose that's my old home now. To be honestly, I already kind of miss living with my parents.

Walking down the stairs, I'm expecting to see Laurance. He's a morning person and should practice making me breakfast for when we get married. That is if he ever proposes first of course.

That's why I'm confused as of why Alex is the one in the kitchen cooking. She'd sleep until three in the afternoon if you'd let her. So why is she up on her own and so willingly?

"A part of the house is on fire," she comments as if it's the most normal thing on the entire planet. It's not like we just bought this house and fires don't burn houses and everything in them down. It's not like fires kill people's hopes and dreams. Alex begins to move something inside of a pan, looking down at it instead of looking me in the eye. "Hope you don't mind."

"Hope I don't mind?" I look at her like she's crazy. "Burning the house down isn't something to not mind about." I take the spatula out from her hand and wave it around. She backs away from me.

"I didn't say the house was burning down in flames. I said a part of it was on fire: the fireplace. I lit the fireplace. I hope you don't mind. It was chilly this morning. Now, give me that back unless you want burnt food." She takes the spatula out of my hands and back into her very own dominant left hand. She finishes up what she was making and places it on the back burner. Her phone begins to ring, and she grabs onto it, quickly answering.

It's now that I realize just how grown up she's become. She woke up early to cook breakfast and even lit the fireplace even though a normal hand held lighter scares the living shit out of her, and she refuses to do it because she burns herself. She's all dressed up and taking a work phone call.

She ends the call and looks around for her little purse, sunglasses, and coat. Once she sees them, she hurriedly puts them on and straightens her tight skirt. "Y/N, I gotta leave for a meeting with the producers of my first movie, so I'll see you later, okay? Take care of yourself and eat something!" Knocking on the window is heard, and we both look over to see Laurance waving through it. "Waving through a window!" She sings out, laughing slightly, but then slipping her hand into her purse for her keys and disappearing as quickly as she showed up.

I sigh when I watch the door slam shut on Laurance's face, and he opens the door and tries to take a step in.

"Knock," I scold.

We've, well I've, been working on his knocking skills. The problem is that he has none, and I'm tired of him open the door on me when I'm changing. His comments don't make me want to have sex with him.

He nods his head apologizing and walks back out through the door, shutting it behind him. He then knocks on the door, and I walk over to it to answer it. I open the door and smile.

"Laurance, what a lovely surprise. Congratulations on learning how to knock. You're improving. Come on in." I move to the side so he can walk in, but he glares at me while he does so. He apparently doesn't think that I'm funny with that reaction. Jokes on him, I think that I'm hilarious. "So, you hungry?"


We may just be the cutest couple you will ever see. We're watching TV together cuddled up on the couch in our pajamas. Laurance is braiding my hair in a very loose braid, but it's still adorable nonetheless.

"Laurance. . ." I turn my head around only slightly to look at him, but he scolds me by doing so because I messed him up. I have a lot of H/C hair, he can work with this. "Don't you think it's time we take our relationship to the next level?"

"You mean, like," he continues in a hushed voice. "By doing the naughty. . . ?" I tell him he's wrong, but he decides to continue guessing. "By getting a pet?" He's wrong again and tries once more. "By moving in somewhere together?" He's at least getting closer, but I also think that's he's given up as well when it comes to guessing.

"All great ideas, but still no. I'm thinking about something a little more. . . exciting," I comment, walking my hand up his chest by having my forefinger and middle finger act like legs. I look into his eyes and quickly begin to worry that he just took my wording the wrong way.

"You mean. . . in a kinky way of doing the naughty? Oh Y/N, I didn't think that my girlfriend was into that kinda of stuff."

I end up giving up and rest my head on his chest. "No Laurance, that's not what I meant at all in any way. But it's okay, I still love you," I begin to mumble so he wouldn't hear me. "Even if you're not the smartest."

I figure that Laurance had given up and went back to playing with my hair as I watch the random show on the tv. A sigh escapes my mouth, and I can feel Laurance's lips pressed up against the top of my head.

"I love you too, Y/N."

I don't think he realized that I was upset over the fact that he didn't catch onto what I was throwing down. I wanted him to, but he didn't. Maybe I should've been straight up with what I wanted instead of just beating around the bush.

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