chapter five

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Even though her curls look amazing at special events, Aphmau is terrible with curling other people's hair. She burnt me a few times before Kawaii~Chan ripped the curling iron out of her hands and curled the rest of my hair. And surprisingly else, Katelyn then finished the hairdo, and it looked really nice. I didn't know she knew how to do more than a simply ponytail.

Why didn't I do this myself?

I was going to do this by myself, but the girls insisted on doing this for me. Alex wasn't here to help me if I needed it, so I agreed to make it easier on us all.

Why couldn't I have just asked Cadenza? She's great with fashion. Three people is becoming to be too much.

All I'm saying is that Laurance better only look at me tonight and tell me that I look amazing. That is. . . wherever we're going. He doesn't tell me details on things when it comes to this.

Cadenza had stopped by an hour ago and dropped off an outfit for me to wear and quickly did my make up. She had time to spare and insisted on doing my hair. Though the girls' told her they could do that themselves.

"Y/N~Senpai looks sooooo pretty! Laurance~Kun is going to faint when he sees Y/N~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan squeals, inching closer to me. She was basically sitting in my lap from how close we were. And every time I would move away, she'd move with me.

"Kawaii~Chan, get out of Y/N's face," Katelyn sasses, narrowing her eyes at her from over her shoulder.

Kawaii~Chan pulls back, mumbling quick apologies repeatedly. I smile at her for reassurance, and she goes back to her happy and peppy self again.

Aphmau claps her hands together. "Alright, so Y/N, you get dressed. . . And we'll leave you so you can go on your date with Laurance."

I nod my head. "Thanks guys, for everything."

After a few minutes, they leave and I'm left with myself. Looking in my mirror, I smile slightly to myself. I'm curious to know where we were going, or what we were doing.

A knock on the door can be heard through the open bathroom door, and my hopes rise when I think it's Laurance. It isn't. Zane has stopped by to tell me that Laurance needs to keep his hands to himself tonight. I start to tune him out when he hits the 'you two aren't even married yet' part. I didn't want to hear this.

We've been together for eight years. I don't think this talk is mandatory after eight years.
This only fuels my anger for Zane of the last time Laurance and I had a date.

Zane decided to sneak into mine and Alex's dorm and pretend to be my father. You can only imagine how awkward that is considering that his dad is my dad. He also looked like a weird emo version of Mario, so it was hard to take him seriously. He looked nothing like my father.

He's done this to Alex before, and she told him, and I quote, "move your ass out of the way Mario. I want to kiss my boyfriend's lips not your cheek." I found it funny.

After what feels like an eternity, Zane leaves finally and Laurance comes shortly after. He takes me on our date and makes a few cheesy pickup lines. I would say I fall for them each time if it weren't for the fact that they're overused and the ones he uses most.

We end up with having a picnic in the park. I think that it's adorable, and I love it more than anything. It's simple, and I like simple things. Now, remember that it's sundown, and it's only us here. That makes it twice as better.

We sit on the blanket, and I twirl the rose he gave me around in my fingers. A single strand of hair falls in front of my face, and Laurance moves it behind my ear.

A smile spreads across my face to see him looking at me. He winks, and I laugh a little bit. I have been becoming immune to him winking at me.

Ever had a chocolate covered strawberry before? They're delicious. The fact that Laurance made everything for our date makes it all so much more romantic.

But sadly, the end came. . . at least I thought it was the end. We made it back to my house, and he was about to kiss me goodnight until I quickly dashed to the window and peeked in. Zane wasn't there.

Thank Irene. . .

I walk back to Laurance and take his hands in mine.

"You know, Alex won't be back until tomorrow." A smirk is plastered across his face when I say that. The next thing I know, the door's kicked open, and I'm being carried inside to be placed on the couch.

I hear the door shut and instantly become nervous. 'What could be he planning?' I question myself. I know I shouldn't be nervous since it's Laurance, but still.

I feel the couch dip down a little bit by my feet, and I bit my lip.

"Why do you have to be so pretty?" Damn it, cue the blush. "Looks like I finally made your cheeks pink~. You know, we haven't been able to be alone in a while now." He inches closer to me and is now hovering over me.

He's extremely close, and his breathing has picked up. Wait, that's mine. Either way, someone's breathing has picked up and the aura around us has changed. Not to mention, the few loose strands of hair in his face looks attractive when he looks up at me through them.

"What ever happened to personal space?" My voice cracks as his face slowly inches closer to mine.

"Don't act like you never enjoy the little moments we have."

. . . Oh Irene. . .

Laurance closes the remaining gap between us, as my eyes fluttered shut. Okay, maybe I wanted this a little bit.

I feel him tracing small circles into the fabric covering my sides, and I hum quietly in happiness. I can feel him smirk into the kiss as I accidentally let a small gasp happen at my actions.

What the hell Laurance?

His hands slowly start to travel a little lower to the hem of my shirt. He starts messing around with the fabric, and my eyes widen.

What is he doing?

I pull away from the kiss for some air and look into his eyes. I can't understand what was hidden in them until I look a little deeper. Lust.

"Ah, Laurance your eyes-" He slams his lips into mine once more, and it takes me a few seconds to calm myself down in the kiss.

One of his hands slip under my shirt, and the feel of his hands on my stomach sent chills down my spine.

He stops kissing me and smirks lightly at me. "You wanna try something tonight?"

My eyes widen once again. "Do you mean. . . having. . . fun?"

He nods his head, and I bit my lip. We just had this conversation yesterday. I wanted marriage not sex, but sex is a bonus.

"Alright. . ."

That's when I'm picked up and carried up to my bedroom.

I am not writing a lemon.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay beautiful my little roses!


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