chapter thirty one

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I pick up my phone and begin to fiddle with it between my hands. It is March sixth, and I'm six months pregnant. I called Alex last night to wish her a happy birthday, but she didn't answer. Her and Vylad left to travel the world early January. Truth be told, I miss the two little brats, and I tend to worry about them time to time.

The current time is 11:00 a.m.

That's when Laurance walks behind me covered in white, grayish silver, and aqua paint. His kisses the back of my head. "Hey babe," he says with a big toothy smile. "The nursery is done."

I smile back at him as he helps me stand up. Placing my phone against the arm rest he covers my eyes are we walk up the stairs. Very dangerous.

He removes his hands from my eyes and I instantly begin the smile. It's beautiful. They have aqua walls with the trim being the silverish grayish colored paint Laurance has all over himself.

The room is a good sized room, and I see the white closest doors in one corner of the room, and a white rocking chair with a huge teddy bear in the other corner. Then the two white cribs were all made with a teddy bear of their own on top of it.

The cribs are easy to tell who was who. Our baby girl's crib has a little pastel pink bed set, while our baby boy's had a little light blue bed set.

I turn around to Laurance as I continue to smile.

"Do you like it? If you don't I can always change it," he says sheepishly.

I bring him into a tight embrace, and I don't even care if my clothes are being covered in paint. "Would I be smiling if I didn't?" I ask. "It's prefect."

"Do you think the twins will like it?"

I break the embrace to glare at him playfully. "Do you really think they'll care? Besides if they don't like it, they'll learn to love it. No, go make me lunch. I'm starving!"

He shakes his head, smiling. "Fine, even though it's still morning I'll do it. But while I do that, you better call my sister. I know you were debating to do that earlier."

I pretended to act hurt. "I was not!"

He begins to walk down the stairs. "You were too, Y/N. You're that readable. "Before I could contradict that statement, he continues. "Don't you even deny that. You know it's true."

I sigh in defeat and drag my feet downstairs and almost fall on my face a few times in the process.

I pick up my phone and go to her contact looking at the picture.

Damn, now to think about it, we both grew up so fast.

I press call and listen to the ringing that continued to go without an end. That is until she answers.


"Alex, hey!"

"Y/N, hey how are you doing? We haven't talked since the two of us left."

"I'm doing well actually. Laurance just finished the nursery, and it's absolutely adorable."

"Awe, you'll have to send a picture to me later!"

"You didn't answer my call last night. I wanted to tell you happy birthday. Oh, happy birthday by the way! How does it feel to finally be twenty two?"

"Stupid, I'll tell you that. Butttttt. . . Wait N/N, you forgot that I'm seven hours ahead of you. You called me at two in the morning. I was actually asleep for once."

I chuckle, "Sorry. . . You know it's hard to keep track of all this crap about time. . ."

"I know, and I'll keep better contact with you from now on, deal?"

"Deal! What were you going to say before anyway? Before you told me about the time difference. You were dragging the word 'but' for a long time."

"Oh! Well-" A voice is heard from the other end. It sounds like Vylad and then a French dude. "Sorry Y/N, but I gotta go. I'll tell you everything later. My fiancé's and my dinners are here. Ciao!"

"Bye-wait, fiancé?"

The phone begins to beep.

She hung up on me. . . Of course she did.

Laurance pokes his head in from the kitchen. "You called babe?"

I face palm. "No. . ."

"Then why did you yell fiancé?"

"Alex is engaged!"

His eyes widened. "WHAT? TO WHO? HOW?"

"One, you heard me. Two, to Vylad. Three, I DON'T KNOW! SHE JUST IS OKAY?"

He covers up his ears. "Ow I heard you. You don't need to yell you know. Anyway, your dinner is ready."

I open my mouth to say something but then realized I shouldn't say anything because he is the man who made my lunch.


I sit on the couch, and I feel a weird feeling in my stomach. That's when I realize what was happening.

"Laurance, the twins are kicking again!"

I smile as tears prick my eyes. Even though it can be painful, it's amazing to have a child. The little things like this make it all worth will.

The little sparkle in Laurance eyes as I tell him that the twins are kicking makes me smile even more. The fact that this has happened more than once, but he acts as if this is the first time is adorable.

He drops the book in his hand and sprints to me. He sits next to me and stares down at my stomach as if asking permission to touch me. I don't know why he's doing this when it comes to the children. He's never like this. Usually I glance in his direction and his lips are locked on mine.

I giggle and place his hand on top of my stomach so he can feeling the kicking. Once the kicking dies down, he kisses my forehead.

"I am so happy. Thank you for having my child, Y/N. I love you."

"It hasn't happened yet, but you're welcome. Thank you for sticking with me. I love you too, Laurance."

We lean both of our foreheads against the other person's, and he continues to give my face little butterfly kisses.

Irene, I love this man.

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