chapter thirty three

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It's been a month since the twins were born, and I've woken up every night at three o'clock in the morning because of the babies ever since I got home from the hospital.

Austin has the tendency to pull on my hair while Naomi only looks at it, and let's it run through her little fingers.

I woke up ten ago from Laurance saying, 'Y/N the twins are crying.' I told him awhile ago this is his job, and he is supposed to help me with these kinds of things.

So far everyone has done a good job on not spilling profanities out in front of the twins, so that's good. I don't want them to know cusses too early on in their childhood. I've had to catch myself to not swear a couple times.

I begin to rock Naomi in my arms and then Austin begins to cry. I can't do two things at once, so I put Naomi down and begin to take care of Austin. The sucky thing about this is that they like to take turns crying for attention.

I'm going to cry myself if they don't stop.

I hear footsteps behind me, and I expect it to be Laurance. It's not. Instead Vylad stands there with a baby Naomi in his arms rocking her back and forth.

"Vylad," I begin as I hold onto Austin. "You don't have to do this. Laurance is the father."

"Laurance walked into our room telling Alex to help you. After Alex cussed him out and threw a pillow at his face, I decided I'd do it since Laurance went back to bed."

"Laurance sucks. . ."

"I know. . ."

About twenty minutes later both the twins finally fall back to sleep, and we put them in their cribs.

Finally, I can go back to sleep.


I walk out of the kitchen to see Alex sitting on the floor playing with the babies. I sit down on the couch with my already half way empty coffee cup. "Hey Alex."

She looks up and smiles at me. "Hey Y/N! Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

"For what?"

"You have to go wedding dress shopping today."

My eyes widened. "Shi-Shoot! I forgot all about that. I don't even have a baby sitter. . . I have to wait until tomorrow."

"No worries girly, I got it all covered. Now, go get ready!"


I know mom way too well. Somehow I knew what she was going to do. Somehow I knew she was going to find me a dress that was really tight.

I stop in front of the mirror to see the dress show every curve I have, and I instantly start to feel self conscious. Not only is it tight, it's low cut as well. . .

The dress is called a sheath wedding dress, and this is the kind I told mom to stay away from.

Everybody went off in groups. My parents, Laurance's parents, my brothers (terrible group idea by the way), and the two Zvahl sisters. Laurance is home alone with the twins. I'm scared.

"N/N, come out sweety!" My mother's voice rings through my head as I make small steps towards everyone in the other room. I think you could tell I was uncomfortable, but I tried to hide it.

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