chapter nineteen

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Tonight I am going on another date with Laurance. The girls wanted to help me once again, but Alex is also here. She's currently doing my hair as the girls look around my closet.

Aphmau begins to put some eyeshadow on me, and Katelyn yells to her not to make me look cheap. It seems they know something I don't, and it pisses me off greatly.

Hell, from what I can see, they're taking the entire dress fancy thing seriously.

The girls have taken in mind that I am pregnant and don't wish to wear heels, so I can at least be thankful for that. Normally they wouldn't.

A few minutes after I finish getting ready, a knocking sound comes from the front door. I become extremely confused by this. I don't know who would be knocking.

Katelyn answers it and instantly glares. "It's only Laurance. Want me to wait until somebody important gets here?"

So I guess Laurance wanted to get ready with the boys even though he doesn't live with them anymore. I think that's sweet. It's just like old times.

I walk over to Laurance and smile. "Nah, he can stay."

The rest of the girls walk over by the door and instantly start acting like parents. Alex growls. "Listen here boy. You break her heart and I'll rip out your windpipe and stick it up your damn ass. You hear me?"

Alright father.

"Alex~Senpai, be nice to Laurance~Kun!"

Thank you mother.

Laurance salutes the four girls as he sweat drops. "Yes... Ma'ams?"

We started to walk away until I heard Aphmau scream to Laurance not to get me pregnant again. I suppose the last time we went on a date was when he got me pregnant. Has it really been that long? Afterwards Katelyn gives him a time to have me home by.

"You. . . ah, look beautiful."

I laugh at him. "Is the Laurance Zvahl nervous around a girl?"

He instantly blushes after that.


Laurance ended up taking us to this really fancy restaurant, and his wallet is probably going to be begging him to turn in the other direction. As in, to a less expensive place, like pizza or something. We could even go out for McDonalds and I'd be alright with that.

Halfway through eating my salad, Laurance decides to point out the beautiful ice sculpture behind me that I hadn't noticed yet.

"Hey Y/N, isn't that ice sculpture beautiful? It reminds me of you."

I turn my body around towards the ice sculpture and admire the beautiful art work. I don't even know what it was, but I know it's sculpted wonderfully. It wasn't anything too big and fancy. I've seen ice structures before, but it was nice looking. I've always found the ones that let water out like a fountain to be fascinating.

I turn back around to find Laurance gone. I start to look around by moving my head. "Laurance, where are you?"

"Y/N M/N Ro'meave," His voice causes me to look beside me only to see Laurance down on one knee holding up a beautiful ring. It hasn't clicked to me yet that he could be proposing. "I have had the honor of being your boyfriend for the past eight years. We've stuck by each other's sides through all the ups and downs. And now in six short months, we'll have our very own twins.. I love you with all my heart and wouldn't know what I would do without you. I guess what I'm trying to ask is a ill you do me the honor of marrying me and finally becoming Mrs. Laurance Zvahl?"

By this time the people around us had their attention to us, watching the scene unfold. I stand up and ignore their stares as tears threaten to escape my eyes. It finally clicks me that I can be Y/N M/N Zvahl. I can be married to the love of my life. I can be married to Laurance.

I nod my head as a huge smile spreads across my face. "Yes, Laurance! I'll marry you."

He slips the ring on my finger and captures my lips into a kiss. The crowd aroud us begins to cheer and coo at the moment, but I didn't care. I didn't even care if they were watching up become engaged. This moment is beautiful.

We break apart, and I let out a little giggle. I'm overwhelmed with happiness. It feels like high school all over again when he asked me out. "That was the least you could do for getting me pregnant you know," I tease him, winking slightly at him.

He chuckles and looks down at me with eyes full of admiration. "Yeah, yeah, I know."

"Oh shut up and kiss me again."

Tonight was just perfect.

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