chapter twenty three

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Come the next meeting with Clementine, Laurance and I agree that we want a chocolate wedding cake. Now she said she'll bring more kinds of chocolate cake with her for her next visit with us. The last visit didn't end up too well. The kitchen was on fire because of a cake.

"So we still need a dress, my mom said she'll pay for all, if not most, for it. So we don't need to worry about that too much. What kind of dress do you think I should get?"

"I say skip the dress and go straight for the bikini."

I glare at him. "I'm serious about this Laurance."

"So am I! Go for the bikini! We're going to be at a beach resort anyway." I glare at him once more for his comment. "Alright, fine, go for something tight."

"At least you're talking about a dress now. . ." Sighing, I began to look at more dresses in the internet to get an idea of what I want.

We figured since we wanted more of a beach or ocean theme, Love~Love Paradise would be the perfect place for it to be at. And with the wedding being when the sun begins to set, it'll be beautiful. Especially for pictures during the ceremony.

The wedding itself is on the beach, so I may need to wear some kind of sandles. . . I'm not sure.

We wanted to add the twins into the ceremony because they'll be born by the time the wedding happens. It'd be really cute. Our baby girl will be the flower girl, and our baby boy will be the ring bearer. They'll have people carrying them, but whatever, they're my babies. This thought causes me to I look down at my stomach and smile.

"Only a few more months Y/N," Laurance says, smiling at me which causes me to smile back.


I wake up the next morning and feel the cool air hit my skin. I look over at Laurance to see he took the entire blanket and his arm is wrapped around my waist.

I find it funny how he can take the blanket away from me and think that wrapping his arm around me will make it all better. That's cute.

As I get rid of my sarcastic thoughts,
I shift all my weight to my right and push my body off the bed.

I swear I'm going to get a cold now because of his little stunt. He left the window to our room open as well. No wonder why it's so cold in here.

I walk over to the window and shut it and then walk into my closet to find an outfit to wear today.

We have decided to find a Christmas tree today and get a tree instead of a Charlie Brown version of a tree. I heard about what the three girls and the boys have for a tree. They got Charlie Brown trees.

Once I place my foot into my sock I hear the sounding of Laurance groaning. He's awake.
I walk out of the closet to see him awake. No wonder why he was cold, he decided to go to bed shirtless again.

"Morning babe, why are you dressed up?" Laurance asks me as a yawn escapes his mouth.

I giggle, "I'm not dressed up. I'm ready for going Christmas tree hunting. Hurry up and get dressed. I'll wake the other two up and get breakfast ready."

He slams his body back down against the mattress and wraps the blankets around himself. He acts like a child too much most of the time.

I walk down the hall into the lovebirds' room to find one of them on the floor while the other one is taking the entire bed up.

I face palm and walk over to the one on the floor. I lightly tap their side with my foot. "Alex, wake up."

Her eyes joint open. "Laurance, I'm up! Oh, it's just you Y/N. . . That's awkward."

"What where you dreaming about? Wait, why are you on the floor?"

"I was dreaming we were back in high school again. Oh, and me being on the floor? Vylad kicked me off the bed in the middle of the night."

I look at Vylad with a raised eyebrow. Boys have no manners whatsoever. "Wake Vylad up and get dressed. Breakfast will be done in a little bit."

Alex stands up and nods her head. "Later tonight I'm going to a party or something."

I begin to walk out the door and roll my eyes. I stop before I exit and look at her. "Sure you will."

"I will."


We walk around and I can feel the cold nip at my nose. The wind has already made my cheeks rosey pink, and I don't need to listen to Laurance tell me how he was right and I was wrong about the scarf thing. I refused to wear a scarf again and now I'm kind of regretting it.

"How about this one?" Laurance asks as he stops by a tree.

I look at it. "Will it fit?"

"It should."

"I like it."

I turn around to see Vylad tilting his head to the side.

After a brief minute of the only noise being the wind running through our ears, he begins to talk. "It'll fit, and I like it. Alex, what about you?"

She hugs herself tightly. "I like it. It's cute. . . but can we pay for it and get into the car now?"

That settles that.

As Laurance goes and pays for the tree, the rest of us walk to the car.


You know the worst thing about having a real tree? You need to wait a few days until you can decorate it. It needs to drop. I hate it because I do and always have wanted to decorate it right now.

"But Laurance, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?!" I beg as I hold an ordinate in my hand.

"No, Y/N. You know you can't-um. Where do you think you're going?"

I look up to see Alex dressed up. The hell?

"I'm going to a party."

I look at her, surprised. "You were serious about that?"

"Would I be wearing a tight red dress if I wasn't?"

Vylad walk: into the living, "Where are you going?"

She throws her head back, "A party for the new movie. Anymore questions? Vylad, you can come with if you want. I have a plus one. Just be done in ten minutes and look nice."

I watch him sprint up the stairs.

Alex open the door and leans against the doorframe. "Have fun being alone you two but don't fool around. If I walk into the house and hear Y/N screaming Laurance's name I'm going straight to a hotel and charging it under Laurance name. You hear me?"

I sink into the corner of the couch more and hit my face in a throw pillow. The heat that rushes to my cheeks refuses to go away.

I peek over to my side to see Laurance smirking. "Yes ma'am."

"Vylad get down here now, or I'll leave you behind!" Alex shouts and I watch as Vylad nearly almost trips over the second step.

Once they are gone out the door Laurance slyly scoots over by me and slips his arm around my shoulders.

"Finally we're alone."

Oh Irene. . .

There was a banging sound on the window. I look over to see Alex giving us a sank eye, mouthing the words "don't even think about it."

Oh shit, they're onto us.

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