chapter seven

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I called mom last night, and she's thrilled. She happy to have grandchildren coming soon, and she says it's the highlight of her month. Myself on the other hand am afraid that she's going to show up at my front door at any minute now. Dad said he'd make sure that wouldn't happen, but this is my mother we're talking about.

I've only been pregnant for a little while now, and I can't wait to have a child to call my own.

I haven't told my brothers yet. Zane is Zane, and you can only imagine how Garroth will react to this. Vylad on the other hand I think would be fine with it. I know he would should Laurance if he found out we didn't use a condom, but otherwise he'd be fine with it. He'd probably become excited since he adores little children and babies, and they feel the same way towards him. Though, he isn't crazy about them like his girlfriend.

As for Laurance's familyc I don't know if he's even told, or even tried to tell his parents the news. It's not everyday that you learn that your son is already having his first child and you're going to be grandparents. As for Cadenza, she may be in the same boat. Laurance could be looking for the right moment to tell them. I know they're on the farm in Meteli, so we'll see when the time comes.

This leads me to Alex. She knows about the baby, but she's upset, and it's not even because of the baby news. She's been in her room for the past ten minutes on the phone with Vylad. She didn't tell Vylad of me expecting, so she must've gotten upset over something he said.

They're fighting. And honestly, I'm terrified. I've never heard them fight before, and I didn't want to.

"You don't understand!"

Even with the door closed shut, I can hear her clear as day. Now I'm curious, with me being pregnant, do I get super hearing super powers or something?

I think this is all getting to my head.

"Fine! Call me back when you actually understand how I feel."

I heard a loud bang and the door slammed shut. I can hear loud and heavy stomps trail from Alex's room all the way down the stairs to the living room.

She sat down on the far end of the couch and crosses her arms. On her face, there's a mixture of anger and sadness.

"Al, what was that loud bang in your room?"

"I threw something at my my wall."

Oh. I don't think I want to know what it was. Or see what it was.

A tear falls down her face, and I frown. "We had another fight. He doesn't understand the way I feel. He doesn't understand that I'm sick of only seeing him on a screen. I just want one visit. Even if it were for a day, or even an hour, I just want one visit."

I make my way to where she was sitting and hold her in my arms. I rest my chin on the top of Alex's head and sigh heavily. "Everything will be alright. You both just need to give each other time to think. But. . . since when do you guys have fights?"

"We've been having them a lot lately. I just have been trying my best to hide them. Usually we make up right away, but this time is different. . ."

"It'll be fine. . . This will all just blow over, and you two will be happy again. . ."

My phone soon goes off.

Laurance: I ah. I need ur help. Garroth is going insane

Y/N: I'll be there in a min

Laurance: Ok

"Hey Al, I need to go. Garroth may blow his house down."

She nods her head and lets out a weak giggle. "Like the big bad wolf to the two little piggies?" She asks before laying herself down on the couch.

I chuckle and nod my head. "Well maybe not exactly like that."

I walk over to the guys' house, and I see that they're missing a window with glass shards all around. I run inside to see a battlefield, and my eyes widen. Dante and Travis were hiding behind a turned over table, and Laurance was hiding behind the couch. I don't know where Garroth is, and that makes me extremely nervous.

Laurance grabs onto my arm and pulls me to his hiding spot.

"This is a terrible place the hide!" I whisper shout to him.

"It's better than being out in the open!"

Garroth comes running up the stars from the basement. "Laurance, I'm gonna kill you!"

"What did you do?"

"I told him that you were pregnant!" I nearly slap the back of his head. "He was confused at first, but now he's gone insane!"

Travis walk: behind Garroth and is about to hit him with a vase until Garroth grabs his arm and flips him over.

"Laurance call Alex."

"Are you insane?!"

"Yes, very. But she's pissed off right now, and she'll probably scare Garroth into fainting.

Three minutes of hiding from Garroth occur before the the door slams open to reveal Alex.
"GARROTH XANDER RO'MEAVE!" She yells out, her hands on her hips. "Why are you acting like such a baby?"

Laurance looked at me. "His middle name is Xander?"

"No, she made that up."

"Laurance got my baby sister pregnant!"

She balls her fists up. "You're an idiot! Why can't you just be happy for her? At least Laurance is there for her when she needs him most right now."

His face softens as he begins to apologize to her and tries to apologize to me. He shows vulnerability, and Dante stands up from where he was hiding and hits Garroth in the back of his head with a vase. Garroth falls onto the floor unconscious.

I watch Dante and Travis pick Garroth up and drag him into his room. I'm a bit concerned, but I don't question it from fear of the two males.

Sometimes I question if this is even reality.

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