chapter thirty two

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The original chapter art is up there! ^^

I wake up in the middle of the night and realize something. It's time. I turn around to Laurance in a state of emergency. I know this is the real thing. My water broke.

"Laurance. Psst, Laurance! Laurance! Wake up!" Laurance rolls over to me and smiles weakly. "Laurance it's time. I'm going to have our twins soon."

He tolls back over onto his side, "That's nice. . ." That's when it clicks to him. "HOLY SHIT, YOU'RE HAVING TWINS!"

He shoots up into a sitting position and sprints out of our room running down the stairs yelling for everyone to wake up. If the neighbors weren't up before, they're certainly up now.

Vylad walks into my room. "What's going on? Why is Laurance running out the front door?" He seems tired. He rubs his eyes to get rid of the sleep, and his voice is groggy. It is three o'clock in the morning after all.

"We need to go to the hospital," I begin as I grab my shoes from the closet and try to put them one. Vylad has to help, me and I look down at him. "The twins are coming."

He nods his head slowly. "So. . . the twins are going to be born. . ."

"Yes, I could've sworn I just said that less than a minute ago."


Just like Laurance, Vylad runs out of the room, but this time to his own room.

I make my way downstairs to my jacket and place it on over me. Laurance runs in still shirtless and turns to me.

"You ready to go babe?" He's wide awake, and he's full on stupid.

"Get a shirt on. I have time for you to look somewhat decent. Go!" Laurance begins to run upstairs. "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR YOU TO DO YOUR HAIR THOUGH!"


I lay in the bed, but the bed is in more of a sitting position. People come quickly in and give me quick good lucks, and the doctors should be in here an minute now to wheel me away.

Laurance walks in putting one last glove on. He has decided he is determined to be in the delivery room with me.

His mask is put on, but is placed under his chin. He walks over and kisses the top of my head. "Hey babe," he says with a little smile. His voice is soft, and his body tells me he is completely calm. I can't say that about me. The pain is telling me that the doctors better hurry their damn butts up. "I love you. I want to wish you luck. And no matter what, I will always love you."

I smile. "I love you too. When the twins are born, we can finally get married."

He grabs onto my hand and kisses it. "I like the sound of that."

The doctors come in with urgency, and Laurance slips the mask over his mouth. I scream as the pain courses throughout my body sending tears to prick my eyes. The bed is stormed out of the room through the hallways to where I need to be. I look behind me quickly to see everyone look and me with worried faces or small smiles and then they are all be in escorted to cold ass waiting room.

Vylad's POV

It's seven o'clock in the morning and we're all in a freezing waiting room with linens wrapped tightly around us.

I watch as mom fangirls about Y/N giving birth, and dad needs to calm her down.

I look down with a small smile at the sight of Alex's head lying down on my lap, her hair sprawled out. I take notice that her left hand is by her head, and I can see her ring. I begin to brush her hair behind her ear with my left hand. Why my left hand? I enjoy the thought of knowing that my hand will have a ring to go with her's too.

"But Garte, she's in pain! She must be calling for her mother! I want my baby! I want my grand babies!"

I watch as he places his hand on her shoulder. "Zianna, calm down. Y/N is a strong young woman. She did take after you after all. Besides, it can't be long now."

Only minutes after that a doctor came in with some news. Some very exciting news. The twins have been born, and Y/N is resting.

He brings us through the halls to where Y/N is, and he opens the door to reveal Y/N holding a little pink bundle, and Laurance holding a little blue bundle standing close to her in his light blue scrubs.


I look up at everyone and smile. "I introduce to you Naomi and Austin Zvahl. Naomi was born at 7:53 a.m., and Austin was born at 7:58 a.m."

As they walk into the room, I can't help but let my mind wonder.

I can't believe I did it. I'm a mother to two healthy babies, and it was all worth it. Laurance and I finally have a little family of our own.

I look at Laurance to see him beaming with happiness as he holds onto Austin.

Austin looks exactly like me while Naomi looks exactly like Laurance.

When I heard them both cry for the first time, I knew everything was alright. I knew it was perfect. I couldn't ask for anything to change if it means that it wouldn't end up like this, like what will happen to me from now on. No regrets anymore. No regrets ever.

Alex walks over by my side and smiles. "They're beautiful Y/N." I hand her Naomi and she smiles even more once she see her sleeping face. "She looks so much like Laurance." Alex moves the blanket out of her face a little and runs a finger down Naomi's cheek. "I'm finally an aunt. . ."

I lay back upon my bed tired. "You know you and Vylad are the first ones to hold the twins besides Laurance and I?"

"Why's that?"

"We thought the godparents deserved the honor to do so."

She look: at me. lY/N I couldn't. I can't. Why me? You could've chosen a much better godmother than me."

"You're my best friend and Laurance's sister. You deserve this."

She looks down at the child once more as Vylad walks over to her with Austin in his arms.

"Don't drop them," I warn jokeningly as Laurance grabs my hands and squeezes. "And no cussing around them. They need to have pure ears as long as they can."

"I can teach you so much," Alex whispers to Naomi. "You and Austin need to stick together though, you never know when you'll need each other, or when everybody else is gone."

I look at Laurance smiling weakly as I mouth the words 'I'm tired' to him. He mumbles 'I know' back and kisses my forehead as I sink further into the bed.

"Sleep well, love. . ." He mumbles as I slowly fall asleep.

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