chapter six

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I wake up the next morning to find Laurance next to me, nude. I pull the blankets further up my body and nuzzle up against the pillow, still tired.

I lift my head to look around for my clothes and then look down at Laurance's sleeping form. He looks so peaceful sleeping. It's almost like a baby. Caressing the side of his face with my hand, I bring my other hand up to move the strands of loose hair away from his closed eyes. Once I do, I run that hand through his hair like a brush would.

His eyebrows furrow together, and his eyes squeeze shut as if he is having a nightmare. His arms move around a bit as if he was looking for something. . . or someone.

I reach out to him and grabs onto one of his extended hands. I look down at him with love in my eyes when he calms down. 'He must've been looking for me', I confirm to myself. 'I love this man with all my heart.'

He stirs once more, but I don't notice he has waken up until I feel a hand on top of the hand of mine that was on his cheek.

"Morning beautiful," he says, his voice low and husky due to finally waking up. He begins to sit up and kisses the top of my forehead.

"Good morning, Laurance."


Bits of time passes, and I soon feel sick to my stomach. I wasn't sure as of why this was, but I decide to push it off as a simple common cold or even the possibility of the flu.

A certain blonde haired woman looks down at my resting figure in confusion. I watch as she scratches the top of her messy haired head and tilts her head to the side.

"Hey babe, I know it's Saturday, but you should probably get up while there's still sunlight left."

"I don't feel well," I comment, shaking my head and rolling over to my other side to try and rest.

I don't know what's wrong. So when I'm asked to explain how I feel, it becomes challenging because I can't come to a conclusion as of why I feel the way I do or how I feel.

She ends up laughing. "It's sounds like you're pregnant. But in order to become pregnant, you'd have to have sex first. You obviously didn't have sex either." Then it hit me. Oh shit, we didn't use protection. . . The look must've given me away when she gasps. "You really did have sex! Oh my Irene ew! You fucked my brother. . . or my brother fucked you. . . either way ew! Laurance!"

Laurance's POV

Garroth looks at me from the kitchen. I looke up from my book to see his gaze meeting mine.

"I just felt a disturbance," I announce.


I sigh and begin to bury my head deeper into my pillow, embarrassed by how she was acting.

"Yes we. . . did that." I scold myself mentally for not even being able to name the action we had did after doing it. I'm almost like a child. "Just keep this on the down low, please."

She ends up sighing, staring down at her feet as if they are the most interesting thing in the world.

"We don't know if this is a for sure thing." She looks down at me and smiles meekly. "Let me get dressed, and I'll be right back with a pregnancy test, but it's not like your baby will be here anytime soon. You're growing up so quickly, Y/N."


I slowly slide down the wall and nearly cry at the little object's reading in my hand. I can't believe what it's telling me. I can't believe that this little thing in my hand is actually telling me what my future is actually going to be. It's unbelievable.

I'm going to be a mother.

I quickly finish up everything that's happening and place the pregnancy test down nearby on the counter. I open the door in a rushed manner, and it's clear to see that I had let a few tears slip down my face. Alex looks up at me concerned.

"Do you want me to go get Laurance? Do you want him to be the first person-"

Wrapping my arms around her torso, I feel her hesitantly wraps hers around my shoulders. I don't think she's quite sure what this hug could mean due to the fact that I just sent her mixed signals.

"Alex I'm pregnant. . . I'm going to be a mother!"

"So you wanted me to be the first person to know?" She breaks the hug and places her hands on my shoulders to look at me. "But congratulations Y/N, you're going to have your own baby!" She begins to wave her face with her hands in to rid of the happy tears threatening to spill. "Hell, I'm going to be an aunt! I'll go get Laurance!" She rushes off, and minutes later Laurance is ushered up the stairs.

"Y/N, are you okay? Alex just ran to my house crying saying that I need to see you right away and-" I point towards the bathroom and tell him to go look inside to see for himself. When he goes in and there's silence, I begin to become worried. Maybe he doesn't want a child yet. Maybe he isn't ready! My worrying gets the best of me, and I rush inside the bathroom to see him holding the positive pregnancy test in his hands. "Is this. . . is this yours?" He chokes out, beginning to tear up as well. I nod my head yes, unable to form actual words. "I'm. . . I'm going to be a father. Y/N, this is amazing! I'm going to be a father!" He kisses my lips and then drops onto his knees to kiss my stomach. "You hear that baby? I'm going to be your daddy! I'll see you in a few months baby. I'll be waiting."

I look down at Laurance in awe, and Alex knocks on the bathroom door.

"Y/N, Garroth came over worried. Would you like me to stall for you as you finish up?"

I shake my head no. "You'll be an amazing father, Laurance. But now, it's time to tell my brother that you knocked me up."

Alex's POV

Once Y/N is out of sight my sight, my expression changed completely. I cross my arms over my chest and glare harshly at Laurance. He earns a punch to the arm, and he stares at me shocked.

"So, let me get this straight. I leave for one day, and you decide to impregnate my best friend?! What the hell Laurance?!"

"Why are you so mean?" He questions, rubbing his arm.

"I'm an not! That's like Vylad being here while Y/N leaves for a day only for her to come back to find out that Vylad got me pregnant!"

"Look Alex-" I cut him off.

"Look, I'm sorry for punching you because that was uncalled for, and I know I asked you when you were gonna take your relationship to the next level, but I didn't mean make her pregnant. . ." Laurance drops his gaze to his feet, apologizing. "I don't know why you're apologizing to me. I'm not the one who's pregnant here. But, do me a favor and treat her and your baby well. Both of your futures are now changed from what they once were because of this, but I can tell that you both want this. I wish you good luck, Laurance. Don't make me regret this."

He strangely salutes me and stands up proud and straight. "Yes ma'am!"

I kiss his cheek lightly and shake my head. "Good, I love you!" I then make my leave, leaving Laurance stunned and still frozen in a saluting position.

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