chapter twenty eight

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I'm currently talking to Laurance about some baby names, and I am happy he actually is letting me do so. Normally he says we should wait, but it's December and the babies are due in June. It's about time we start planning this shit.

"Well, if we're talking about the babies, may as well talk about about their role in the wedding," I comment.

"Alright, what 'cha got planned?"

"Well, the girl could be the flower girl, and the boy could be the ring bearer."

Laurance places his hand on top of my knee. "So we're not having both the twins be the ring bearer and having Abby be the flower girl?"

"I don't know yet," I began. "I mean, we need to have somebody carry both the twins. Any ideas?"

"We could do your mom, and my dad."

"I like that idea," I say, placing my hand over Laurance's. "Which baby to what adult?"

"Your mom could carry our baby girl, and my dad can carry our baby boy."

I sigh, "This would help a lot more if we had names picked out."


"Alright, then let's get the names figured out."


Vylad's POV

"Vylad!" Alex hit my shoulder lightly as I continue to fix her scarf. "Vylad it's fine."

"No it's not. . ." I finish wrapping it around her neck. I've noticed from the times I've been out and about in the cold that tucking the scarf in before putting in your jacket (depending on what kind of jacket it is) can help block out some cold. Except we're already out in public, and her scarf got messed up. "There, now it's perfect."

Alex leans back on the park bench and snuggles a little into my side. "Can we get ice cream after this?"

"Alex it's winter, and we're outside in a cold park."

"That just makes it an even better reason to go get ice cream." I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lay my head against hers gently. "So I hear that we'll get ice cream after this?"

A guy walks past us and stole a quick glance at the both of us. That only makes me tighten my grip on her.

I rolls my eyes, "Alex. . ."

"Vylad Ro'meave." The guy comes back, and I stand up and push Alex behind me protectively. "Vylad, what's happening? I can't see."

I ignore her questions as the man step closer.

"Stay away from her. Stay away."

"Did you just say Ro'meave?" He asks. His voice is deep. Something doesn't seem right about him. He looks around the age of forty something.

"Vylad, who are you talking to?"

"I'm not hurting the girl. I just want to know if I heard correctly. You're last name is Ro'meave, correct?"

I nod my head slowly. "Who wants to know?"

"Do you know a Zianna Ro'meave?"

That's my mother. . ."

Out of all the things I could've done, I told him the truth. I could've said I didn't know her and then take Alex to get some ice cream so she'd be quiet. But no, I had to tell the truth. Curse these stupid morals.


The house is now filled with white boards and markers scattered around the place. Names are written on them. Both boy and girl names, and our top favorites are circled. We think we like one name and soon enough we find another one we adore. It sucks. . .

At least we'll have time to clean everything up before the two love birds come home.

"Laurance, have you found a name that you like yet?"

"No!" He's in the kitchen.

Oh Irene help us. . .

Vylad's POV

"Your mother, eh? Care to take your hat off?"

Okay, this dude is creepy and weird.

"Vylad, can I come out of hiding now?"


She doesn't listen to me and walk over to my side. I suppose I should've done a better job hiding her.

I sigh and take off my hat, and Alex looks at the dude like he was crazy. Most likely he is, but still.

"Who the hell are you?" She sasses, letting her profanities slip. I really need to teach her how not to swear so much.

"Who are you?" The man asks.

"I asked you first creep."

Blunt. My girlfriend is blunt.

"My name is Vincent Murphy. Zianna Ro'meave was my lover for a bit of time. And what's your name miss?" My eyes widene.

"Your worst nightmare."

I find it funny looking at all our height. You see me with a nice height and the man now known as Vincent with a nice height. But then there's a short little Alex standing in the middle glaring up at Vincent with her arms crossed.

I grab onto her hand and bring her to my side. She's extra feisty today, and I don't need to bail her out of jail for it.

"Are you the youngest of your brothers, Vylad?"

"Why do you want to know so much?"

Vincent take off his hat to reveal a full head of brown hair, the same exact color as mine. His eyes are green, and it feels like I am looking into a mirror.

"Because Vylad, I'm your father."

"You have no way to prove that!"

I'm in denial. Who wouldn't be? For the past twenty one years that I've been alive nobody has told me who my real father is. And here is a man who claims to be him? All those years I was told they'd tell me later, and they never did. For ten years I didn't even know that dad wasn't even my real father, and they didn't even tell me then who it was.

I was wrong when I thought they'd tell me at my eighteenth birthday. I was so freaking wrong it's unbelievable.

"Then call your mother. Tell her about me. She'll have to tell you the truth eventually."

I curl my hands into fists and bite my lip. I feel Alex place her hand on my shoulder and her other hand against my cheek to get me to look at her.

"Hey, hey, hey." Her voice is soft and kind. "Babe, calm down. I'm here for you."

I looked at the man and placed my hat on sloppily. "I will."

I walk away dragging Alex by her arm, and I ignore her cries for me to slow down.

Once we make it into the car everything is quiet. I begin to drive as Alex looks out window.

"Where are we going? We missed the turn," She asks as I continue to look forward.

"Mother's house."

It's dead silent after that.

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