chapter thirty

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I wake up in the middle of the night to hear somebody downstairs. I go to check it out because one, somebody could be robbing us. And two, I'm hungry.

Without waking Laurance up, I sneak downstairs to see Zane underneath our Christmas tree taking all our gifts. He is quietly singing to himself along the lines of 'you're a mean one, oh Mr. Zane,' or something like. I honestly wasn't paying much attention.


He looks over at me with his eye widened, "Y/N! W-What are you doing here?"

"I ah. . . kind of live here. . . What are you doing in my house?"

"Stealing Christmas."

I sigh and walk over to him, taking things out of his bag and placing them back under the tree. "Oh Zane," I begin with a sigh. "You don't need to steal Christmas. Look, I'll make you an offer. Tomorrow's Christmas, so why don't you spend it here with us? You never know if they'll be a present under the tree for you."

"I doubt it. Besides, why would you want me here anyway?"

"We're family Zane. So, will you?"

A few minutes pass of just silence. That is until he spoke. "No."

It takes me a few minutes and a lot of energy using puppy dog eyes, but I get him to agree. He tells me he'll put everybody's stuff back around Mystreet (which I'm pretending I didn't hear him say he stole from everyone). I don't know how much of that he'll actually do, but you never know, it's Zane we're talking about here.


I wake up once again to feel Laurance tapping my shoulders vigorously. "Y/N! Do you need CPR?"

"No, now get off of me."

Laurance gets off of me and asks why Zane is here. I get dressed in our closet as I explain through the door of the events of last night. Laurance makes some Zane the Grinch jokes and how he actually does have a heart, just a really small one. I think it's quite the opposite really. Zane can be really sweet when he wants to be.

I walk downstairs to see the three childre-adults sitting in a circle on the floor, each with a present in hand.

I know I almost said child, but if you look at them you'd see why. They look like they did back in high school.

"Y/N, grab a present so we can open these things!" Alex exclaims as admires the Christmas wrapping paper, but I really think she was checking out the bow. We have the tendency to place the bows on our head.

I grab a present and rip off the bright pink bow and place it on top of Laurance's head. He complains saying how it isn't fair. And the next thing I know, there's a sparkly orange bow on top of my head.

"You're such a child," I remark.

He sticks his tounge at me. "Tell that to them?" He points to his left, and there they are.

Zane is tied up in ribbons claiming to kill us all, and Alex has millions of bows on her head. Then you see Vylad wrapped up in torn wrapping paper.

"You guys are making a mess!" I hiss and they all point at each other saying 'they did it.' I love Zane's addition to it. 'I'll kill you all with the power of Pinky Cake.' He had a Pinky Cake figurine in his hand when he said that.


We invited Travis, Garroth, Dante, Aphmau, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan over to celebrate Christmas together. The night was filled with eggnog, presents, cookies, carols, and old Christmas movies most people have the tendency to watch each year.

I remember as a child we would watch a movie all together, no matter what it was. It could've been Frosty the Snowman, or The Santa Clause and we'd still watch it together. It was a tradition.

Flashback Starts:

"GarGar! Do you have the popcorn ready?!" Mom yelled from the living into the kitchen. Garroth came running in with two bowls of popcorn, and gave one to mom and myself.

I was sat in between Zane and Vylad on the floor while Garroth sat up with mom and dad on the couch. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was on pause on the TV and I was excited for it to start.

Of course we see it every year, and it can get kinda boring, but it's our little tradition.

I hugged my knees to my chest as Vylad held onto the popcorn. Zane continued to complain like Norma that he didn't want to do this or be here, but we all knew he actually enjoyed it.

The blanket around us three was wrapped more around me as Zane gave his end up.

"Don't you want this?" I asked.

He shook his head no. I secretly had my head lying on his shoulder and he didn't seem to care. "You seem cold," he simply said.

He was right. The hot chocolate I was drinking wasn't warming me up, but now it feels even better knowing that Zane actually cared.

"I love you, Zane."

He spoke in a hushed voice so only I could hear. In fact, I don't think he meant for me to hear, but I did.

"I love you too you stupid girl-woman-thing. . ."

I smiled for the rest of the night as the movie began.

Flashback Ends

Here we are watching Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer just like my memory.

I sit in between Vylad and Zane on the floor, and Garroth sits on the couch with Alex and Laurance.

Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, and Katelyn are all snug together on the love seat as Dante and Travis have seats next to Zane and Vylad.

Just like old times. . .

I rest my head against Zane's shoulder and decide to bring up and old memory.

"I love you Zane."

His body tenses as his breathe hitches. He knows what I was doing, and he decides to play along.

"I love you too you stupid girl-woman-thing. . ."

Laurance begins to whine, "What about me?"

"I love you, Laurance."

"I love you too, Y/N."

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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