chapter three

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'It's fine to be salty. . .'

I can't force myself to believe my thoughts even if I try to.

Maybe it's not okay to be salty. But still, Laurance can be so oblivious sometimes that it's unbelievable. I just pointed out that I wanted to take this to the next level.

You know when you tell an upperclassman as an underclassman that the boys in your grade are terrible? Well, they always respond with 'they get worse,' and that's true. You know why? Because Laurance is so damn oblivious.

I could've dated somebody else, but no, my heart just had to fall in love with him. It had to beat quickly and go otter patter for him. I just had to fall for his sky blue eyes, and his messy hair that my fingers just love to get tangled into. Then there's his smile-WHAT AM I DOING?!

I quit, he's gotten into my brain. 'Am I brainwashed?' I question. No, of course I'm not. 'But that's what a brainwashed person would say.' What am I doing with my life?

The TV show soon ends, and I decide to go and take a walk to clear my head even if that means leaving Laurance at my house. He ended up falling asleep, and I was board. I wasn't going to carry him all the way to his house. I love him, but I'm not in love with carrying him places. That's his job to do to me. Garroth can carry Laurance. They have a freaky enough bromance in order for it to happen. Besides, Garroth would happily agree to it.

I look around Mystreet and see the normal.
I can see Aphmau being chased around by Katelyn, and Kawaii~Chan trying to stop them. That one event is pretty funny to watch. Especially when Katelyn pins Aphmau to the leaves because Aphmau sang a Frozen song. It's happened about five times now. It's fall time, so Aphmau is safe. . . for now. I hope.

It's hard to believe everything that's happened lately. Just eight years ago was freshman year of high school. I remember being so nervous and having the fear of growing up and getting older.

Photograph feels so old now.

The first day of college was only four years ago.

And we've only moved into this house yesterday.

How is it that it feels as though I've lived so little but have done so much?

I bump into somebody, and when I look up, they look like Vylad. Could this be Victor? "I'm sorry. . ." I mutter out as he helps me up onto my feet.

"It's fine. Say, you haven't seen a girl around here with brown eyes, have you?"

'Oh shit. What do I do? Lie or tell the truth?' I question myself, unable to decide whether or not to actually tell the truth.

"Um, well. . . Yes I have. She's my best friend actually." So much for lying. Why didn't I listen to Zane? If he doesn't trust Victor, maybe I shouldn't either.

He smiles at me. "Do you know where she is?"

Hiding from you. That's what I wanted to say, but that's not nice. Instead, I decided to say a nicer reply. "No, no I don't. She may be out and about though."

He thanks me, gives me one last smile, says goodbye, and leave. I don't like him already. Zane was right not to like him. He has this weird vibe that he gives off, and I just don't know how to feel about it.

I decide to take my walk to the boys' house. Why? The reason behind this is so Garroth can come pick Laurance up.

The previous conversation with Victor won't leave my mind. I never would've thought that he would be the oblivious type, but he is a male after all.

I ran into Aaron the other day. I guess it's that time in his life that he chooses not to wear a shirt. That's fine. That's cool, I guess. I suppose it's his life and he chooses what to do with it, but still. . . a shirt can do wonders.

Wait, what point am I trying to get across here? Why am I like this? I'm so random and weird that Laurance and I may just be the most perfect couple out there.

Walking to the boys' house is the easy part. The hard part is probably talking to whoever opens the door. I only know this from experience. It was like that for the college dorms. . . very strange.

Hopefully either Dante or Travis will open the door. It's easier to talk to either one of them.

Garroth, is the one I don't like answering the door. I love my brother, but it takes a good ten minutes to get the point across. And after that, he's still confused.

I knock on the door, and Garroth answers it. Just my luck. He smiles at me, and asks what's up.

Like I said before, it normally takes ten minutes to get the point across. This time, it took fifteen.

"Wait." He scratches his head. "So let me get this straight. Laurance fell asleep at your house, and you need me to come get him?" I nod my head yes. "I'm still confused."

I sigh and walk him all the way to my house. Alex is still out and probably hiding from Victor.

Did I mention I don't like Victor? Well, I don't. Not one bit. To me, personally, he kind of seems like a Vylad ripoff, or wanna be at least, but he doesn't know Vylad so maybe I should've been judging him too harshly now.

When we make it back, I let the blond male in. I watch as Garroth picks Laurance up, and I think he started to whisper sweet nothings in his ear.


That's Aphmau's job to her Levi poster. Don't be an Aphmau, Garroth.

Halfway down the street, I watch Laurance stir in Garroth's arms and wake up. He sees he was in Garroth's arms and flips out. Let's just say he's cheating on me again, but this time, with the sidewalk.

Garroth becomes an over worried mother and starts to check if he is okay. Laurance on the other hand, is acting like an infant throwing a fit. That's when I laugh, turn on my heel, and walk away.

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