Chapter 1

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"Andrewwww." I whine to my brother. "Please make the video with me?" Right now I am sitting in the game room begging my brother to make a TikTok with me.

"Nope. Not happening. Ask one of them." He said pointing to our other friends. Blake, Zach and Ryan are over playing video games.

"Blake." I draw out his name and bat my eyelashes at him.

"What do you want Liv?" He groans.

"Will you make a TikTok with me?" I ask with a sweet smile on my face.

"Why not?" He says with a shrug. I start clapping and jump up.

"I swear your 10 years old sometimes." Drew says with a smirk in his voice. I flip him off.

"Fuck you dumbass." I say and he chuckles.

"Have fun Blake." Drew chuckled at him. I pulled Blake upstairs and showed him the TikTok. He practiced a couple times and picked it up pretty quickly. It was a new dance trend that had to have two people do it.

"How many followers do you have?" He asked.

"I think like 28k?" He nodded and I started to record. We finished out the dance and I posted it. "Thank you." I smile.

"Yep." He says and starts to go back downstairs. I run and jump on his back for a piggyback ride. He stumbles but catches his balance. "Jesus Liv. Your heavy." He chuckles.

"Did you just call me fat, dumbass?" I ask and put my hand to my heart.

"Your anything but fat and who are you calling a dumbass?" I scoff and pat his shoulder.

"You know it's true." I say with a laugh. He takes me over to the couch and drops me. I wasn't expecting it and end up on the floor. They all break out laughing. "Wow thanks." I say sarcastically and flip them all off.

"Your welcome." He grins.

"Fuck off." I grunt which causes him to laugh more. My stomach growls and it reminds me that I haven't ate. In fact, none of us have. "I want food. Will someone drive me to McDonald's?"

"Ryan and I have to leave soon so we can't." Zach says.

"Blake can." Drew says not even bothering to look up from his phone.

"Blake?" I ask. He normally never says no to food.

"Yeah. Let's go." He sighs and turns his phone off. He's the one that I can always convince with a small pout.

"I want a Big Mac with fries." Drew said. Blake grabbed his keys and we walked out to his truck. He has a lifted 1997 f-250. It was an older truck but a nice one.

Being my short self it was extremely hard to climb up into

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Being my short self it was extremely hard to climb up into. "Need some help liv?" Blake asks with a chuckle.

"I got it." I groan and pull myself up. I plop into his seat and he laughs. I roll my eyes and flip him off.

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