Chapter 15

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"Hey bitches!" Zach yells as he enters my room. I curl up in the sheets more since I'm only in Blake's t shirt. Blake was next to me in boxers. "Oh did I interrupt something?"

"Yeah, my sleep. Leave." I grinned and pointed to the door.

"Somebody's on their period!" He exclaimed before walking out of my room. I rolled my eyes and shook Blake. Ever since we found out that I was pregnant, he's been by my side. Literally at all times.

"We need to get down there. They all want to see you." I tell Blake and pull out of his arms.

"But I just want to stay here with you." He whines. I throw him his shirt and shorts that he took off last night. I put on a bra and shorts before going downstairs with Blake.

Everyone was sitting in the game room. Drew, Zach and Ryan were on the couch and Lily was sitting on the floor beside Drew's legs. Blake took a seat beside Drew so I sat between his legs. He put his arms over my head and rested his chin on me.

"You two are for real goals." Lily smiled again us.

"Blake's whipped." Zach said. Blake flipped him off and grabbed a controller. They were all playing a video game while Lily and I just watched. I suddenly got the feeling that I was going to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. Blake came in behind me and held up my hair. I flushed and washed my mouth out before going back out there.

Instead of sitting in the floor this time I climbed onto Blake's lap. He wrapped his arms around me and still held the controller while I was cuddled against his chest. "What's been up with you lately Liv?" Ryan asked me.

"I think I'm sick." I mumble and they drop it. I start to fall asleep as Blake plays his games. My phone starts vibrating beside me so I look at it. "It's the doctors." I whisper to Blake. I get up off of him and go upstairs. He follows behind me and puts his ear to the phone.

"Hello." I answer.

"Is this Olivia Hawk?"

"Yes this is her." I respond.

"I have the results of your dna test. The dna that was submitted is 100% the father." I thanked her and hung up. We submitted Blake's dna. Blake is the dad. I turned to him to see that he was smiling. "You heard?" I ask him and he nods.

"I'm going to be a dad." He grinned and picked me up into a hug.

"What!?" Lily screamed from behind us. Blake quickly set me down and I looked back at her. Her eyes were wide and staring at us with shock. I went over to her and put my hand over her mouth incase she screamed again.

"Shhh. Don't say anything, please." I beg her and she nods slowly. I pull my hand back and watch her. I turn around to Blake and motion for him to leave. He walks back to the basement, leaving Lily and I. "Let's go up to my room."

We walk to my room and sit on my bed. "When did this happen?" She asks.

"Two months ago." I respond.

"Does Drew know?" She asks and I nod.

"Yeah he knows. My mom and him are the only ones. I don't want to tell anyone so can you please keep it a secret?" I ask her and she frowns but nods her head.

"Why don't you want to tell anyone? They are going to find out sometime." She says.

"I have a problem. I'm not supposed to be able to have kids. Somehow I was able to get pregnant but the chance I carry the baby to full term and it lives is very low. I don't want to tell people because if I loose it, it will make it harder knowing everyone knew."

"I'm sorry Liv. I didn't know. Of course I'll keep the secret." She said and hugged me.

"Thank you."

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